Bye bye from Zook :D

Right well the time has come for me to bow out of ZE guy's. I have thought long and hard about the decision but have realised that it is the best thing for me to do.

I have many things going on in RL at the minute and can't put enough time and effort into it. I can't handle being a miner, that's not what I'm about so . . . . . . . I wish you all the best and hope life takes you down many happy paths :)

My time on here has been ace, I have made many friends on here and will miss you all.

Big shout outs go to the following:-

My alliance mates in ~V~. Thanks for welcoming me in I have respect for each and every one of you. The cream of the cream in ZE. Look after yourselves my friends. 8-)

My Hells Fury mates. Enjoyed my time fighting by your sides. Been through a lot with you all and you are all my friends. Keep growing lads which I'm sure you will and take care :) :twisted:

My old RAWK buddies. I learnt a lot from you all. My time with you was special. You were and still are a tight nit bunch of top notch players and I will never forget the time I spent with you.I thank you for letting me join you when times were tough and I wouldn't change the choices I have made. :D

and finally, thank you to all my other friends on here for being so cool and helping me find targets giving me advice and all in all just being so darn nice ;)

I'll miss you all, but things have moved on and RL always comes first.

See you round mates :D


Re: Bye bye from Zook :D

Aces for sure my man /e looks around to see if anyone is listening ..just let let anyone know i was the JOKER in the deck.

Anyhow God Speed to you in real life bro..alot more scary things than me in this world out there and hopefully you can dodge all that hoopla as well!

Re: Bye bye from Zook :D

what can i say more than it's the greatest loss for ZE community...
Zook you are a great player one of the greatest fleeters in this game ( hell of a skilled one :twisted: ) with great spirit always ready to answer every little question and helping all the noobs like me ;)
you are also a great friend whom i respect a lot and will be missing in the esp reports and the PM :)

admiring the fact that you were feared and respected by most of the players, wish i knew you better here in RAWK but i arrived too late i think.
hoping that one day we meet in RL ( and i shall drink a toast for that :lol: with a good friend of mine if you see who i meant :roll: ) till that day comes my friend...

wish you all the best in RL, it's been a great pleasure knowing you for all this time my friend

with all the respect and friendship
“Battle not with monsters lest you become one.”
F. Nietzsche

Re: Bye bye from Zook :D

Seeing a such a friend go hurts. :cry:

You're one of the best, if not THE best person in this community Zook, we're all gonna miss you. But after all, it is a game and you must put RL first. Perhaps you'll drop by when you have a little free time and say hi to some old buddies?

I wish you and Shell nothing but the best of luck with your future, take care of the family Z!

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Bye bye from Zook :D

I'll regret all the good times mate , you are a fantastic friend ... So long buddy , I'll have a drink (or two :p) in your honor with the other Z until I buy you one ... or two :p
Take care of your family mate and pass my best regards to Mrs Z ...
Cheers old pal !!!