Leaving Zorg

I've been around a few months, taken some hits and made a few. It's been a lot of fun gentlemen. However, I'm going to have to put the fun on hold for a while because I need to own up to some of my actions and poor decisions. I may be sharing a little too much, but I found out about a week ago that I am going to be a father. I have several months to prepare for that, but since I have no intention of letting any child of mine grow up a without a father I have a lot of things which I need to do if I'm going to be supporting a family.

I wish you all the best of luck in both Zorg and the world at large. God willing, I'll be back when things have settled down a bit. Though there is no telling when that will be. I'll check in on the chat every now and then to see what's going on.

Re: Leaving Zorg


Rather you than me dude. :P

You'll be missed, a lot. Make sure you drop by every now and then and say hi to your buddies!

Nothing but the best of luck with your life, it may be scary at first, but just give it a year and you'll have lil Rob sitting behind his baby bar serving his friends milk. ;)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Leaving Zorg

i will be laughing when I see a new player "Robertlee Jr." in about 2 years :)

Hope the best for you. Being a Dad in this world nowadays is both tough and rewarding. Just remember whatever she sayd in the delivery room, she really doesnt mean. ( I think ).

Re: Leaving Zorg

Way to man-up, sir. Good luck IRL.

Just a note- being a father can sometimes mean being home for a lot of hours and not having too terribly much to do. ZE runs in the veins like crack and no one would slight you for returning sooner than later.

Re: Leaving Zorg

I'm saddened to hear you are leaving :cry: I'm proud and honour to serve under you.. I wish you all the best in everything you do in life. Our alliance will surely miss u alot. Take care bro..
EMOWAK.............. I'M BACK........... LoL