Slot 14 the gold slot??

I've colonized 6 slot 14 planets that are all with in -6 and +16 slots of 500 and near -100 degrees with the exception of two that are around -50 degrees. Only one of those planets took more than one shot to get, and it was only three compared to sending 5 or 6 for a slot 450 in slots 4-6(7). I also know of one other player who also received such large planets (Substantially larger than mine) in such cold slots. Has anyone else had this luck?
Last edited by AmeOkami on Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Slot 14 the gold slot??

i have pulled 500+ in 1 and in 15 and 400's in every spot inbetween..

but realistly the need for such size planets is moot..outside of 350 is build slots is just for show as you will never fill it..and the cost effectiveness to even try would mean you HAVE to play for a year to see any final net return on any mines you put there..

its great to get to this point to see profit from what you had to spend to upgrade the mines and the energy to keep them running is only a couple months..the total metal and crystal to upgrade 33 or higher spent alone is 1 month get to where you will use 400+ fields is an astronomical number just to upgrade those mines at that point..

add it all and mines to upgrade...although i love when you guys do it!! makes it easy for me not to have to ;) and you will see how long it will take to see net returns..and that gets stretched even further once you do another upgrade

Re: Slot 14 the gold slot??

there's a small chance that you can get a big planet on one of the outer planets of the systems and 14 seems to be the best option because on another game i got 580 fields in slot 14 which i'm sure most of you will agree is alot compared to your standard 200-300 fielder.The smallest planet i've ever had was 85 fields i was new to the game and didn't realise this was bad i wasted tons of resources on it and then realised i had to abandon it

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Re: Slot 14 the gold slot??

gumppy makes a very valid point. Big fielded planets don't really mean all that much. After a certain point, populating those fields becomes cost-prohibitive. Its like having a 500 room mansion. No possible way to fill it all with furniture and you wouldn't use most of it any way.