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Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:45 pm
by Coolhand
Just attacked a guy with 23 battleships and 22 cruisers, on a planet armed with 30 solar satellites, 30 missile launchers, and a small shield dome. All my techs were 2 higher than his.

Came back with 22 cruisers and 22 battleships.

I mean, really ... missile launchers?

Actually, wait ... 25 cruisers, and my techs are +1 on his.

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:17 pm
by Drakkon
send a bigger fleet
it wasnt the rocket launches that stopped you-it was the shield dome,you didnt do enough damage to it to get threw

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:41 pm
by Coolhand
My issue isn't with how much damage *I* did - I destroyed all the sats, looted the colony, and disabled all 30 missile launchers in 4 rounds.

Solsats aren't shooting back, nor is the shield, so as far as my units taking damage, you have 30 missile launchers firing at 25 cruisers and 23 battleships.

Put another way:

30 defensive structures:
Structure points 2.500
Shield Strength 20
Attack Points 80
*no Rapid Fire.

25 units:
Structure points 32.500
Shield Strength 50
Attack Points 400
*note that these 25 units also have a Rapid Fire of 10 against the aforementioned 30 defensive structures.

22 units:
Structure points 60.000
Shield Strength 200
Attack Points 1.000
*note that these 22 units also have a Rapid Fire of 8 against the aforementioned 30 defensive structures.

On the face of it, you can ignore weapon/armor/shields, for purposes of our discussion - but in fact, all of mine were 1 level higher than his, respectively.

I should've obliterated his defenses without a single lost ship. Instead I lost 1 battleship -- if I'm going to lose a ship, it ought to be a cruiser, for one, but I shouldn't even lose THAT.

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:18 am
by Radiofloyd
Lucky shots?

Has Rapidfire been implemented yet?

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:41 am
by SirDuction
i noticed the BS seem to go down very easily, i hit a guy with 1k sats and i used 150 LF, 50 HF, 30 CR, and 30 BS and i lost 1 light fighter and 1 battleship but nothing in between..??

losing a BS and LF has happened a couple of times now but i dont tend to lose anything in between that, it always looks wrong when that happens and i've taken to not using BS in attacks when i dont need to..

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:24 am
by Coolhand
I lost another battleship in a similar attack a bit ago, too. I agree, something about the battleships seems weird.

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:51 pm
by Phoenix0240
ive seen the same issue i sent in 3 bs 20 cruisers 30 hf some random lf and some cargo ships etc and i lost a BS to a single rocket launcher... i mean really?

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:32 pm
by Sadbutrue
i lost a BS to a shield dome once. the line said Shield dome does 1 point of damage and my BS was dead haha. i still got more then my money back from the attack. and the following attacks

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:12 am
by Cebat
I had a small shield dome take down my BS once too.

My friend just sent 5 L Fighters and 5 Small Transports to attack this one guy with 1 L Fighter, and my friend lost all of his transports and the guy he attacked still has his L Fighter.

Re: Defenses seem a little ... potent?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:38 pm
by Coolhand
Cebat wrote:I had a small shield dome take down my BS once too.

My friend just sent 5 L Fighters and 5 Small Transports to attack this one guy with 1 L Fighter, and my friend lost all of his transports and the guy he attacked still has his L Fighter.
Too bad that one Light Fighter was the Vic Viper ...
*nerd face-slap*