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Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:14 am
by Belligerant
I'm posting this because I got nothing better to do.. :D

If you go through G1 to G9 you see many dead accs.. good for the pickings I suppose
but not for the game!.. They say it's a war game but I don't see it at all, all I see is 1 on 1
big against little there's no real skill involved?.. You put a colony planet where ever you
like and take down who ever you like it seems?, and the person cant do much about it?..

I think colony planets should be able to be destroyed to stop fleeters setting up colony planet
just to take out def so they can send there fleets out to destroy there opps fleet!. What's the
point of having def in game play if it's useless?..

It would give a lot more ppl a chance to build and play and make the fleeters work hard for there
points!... But at this point it's to easy for some and to hard for others to play this game as it's only
really working for off... not def....So I beleave the game is more 1 sided than it should be!....


Bellig.... :D

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:43 am
by Sadbutrue
there are a lot of things you can do. fleet save for once. second you personally have 20 colonies. i could destroy all of them if that was enabled literally all of them then what? you could have destroyed my moon. you did not.

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:51 am
by Belligerant
Hey Sad,
Destroying the moon is pointless if you can't destroy the planet as you can't
send missiles off from the moon.. Destroy the colony planet then you'll have no moon..


Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:53 am
by Sadbutrue
if you pop the moon before teh jump drive then there is no fleet to destroy you

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:00 am
by Belligerant
true but all you need to do is make another, but the thing is the colony planet did the damage for the fleet to
attack.. As this is my point, it's not you fleet but the colony planet you place to get the def down so your fleet
could attack!...


Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:46 am
by Sadbutrue
so you are saying someone should not be able to ipm you unless thier first planet spawn in range of you?

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:50 am
by Belligerant
If you think about it, if you could destroy colony planets not by fleets maybe a new missile or something ?.
You could have planet wars :D and could play apart for alliances to work together from G1 to G9 it would
open the game up for all to play a part..Ha!Ha!Ha!..

This is you fult Sad :lol: I'm board...

Bellig... :D

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:52 am
by Belligerant
Sadbutrue wrote:so you are saying someone should not be able to ipm you unless thier first planet spawn in range of you?
I belleave colony plants as easy made so they should be able to be destroyed.. but not by fleets.. but other ways..


Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:18 am
by Trid
PLanet destruction was mentioned on another thread as was planet busting missiles. Destroying a planet for a star faring race is pretty straight forward - you fly a chunk of rock into it.

Thats why this game would benefit from have a population factor and a planet with population can have orders/changes carried out. A planet without population should be up for grabs/takover/conquest (you could use the espionage factor as a way of working out how long it would take to absorb the new gain).

This could open up loads more in the game but while not complex it would take a lot of coding to get right.

Now as the population is quite vunerable you have loads of new tech to throw into the game. Giant star liners to keep population on the move, bio chem warfare, bunkers.

You could have a relation between population and the number of colonies you can produce, how long it takes to research somthing, and the number of space ships that can be fielded.

Then you could have ground war in the game. Troop transports, guards, prisons.

And then you can include NPC races and treasures. Enigmas, Diplomacy etc.


The Trid

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:49 am
by Belligerant
I like your thinking Trid,

The way the game is going it only works 1 way.. It's time for the admits to restructure it's game,
it dose not work for all.. only the few, the game should challage all,and not be easy for a few!..

Zorg Empire likes ppl to pay to play but there not giving a nuff to the game to pay!....

Time to wake up, ppl leaving in droves so many dead accs.. Time for change! or die! there will
only be the big hitters left .. It wont be much of a game will it?..
