Mach-330 wrote:
something really nice would be to give player protection for seven days
35% more resouces
35% faster bulding and upgradin
and every full 24 hours you should make the bonus 5% less then it was yesterday, so thet in 7 days you reach zero bonus
maybe 7 days is to much but then 4 or 5 with 20% 25% bonus would be gread as well.
I like the general idea.
However, I don't think this is how it should be done. I propose giving new players a choice: Either they get protection for a set number of days (5 or 7 sounds good), but at the expense of
less resources gathered per day, say -25%. But, if they choose to spend their first few days vulnerable, only then do they get a bonus, of say +40%. Or at least don't give any bonus to them if they opt for protection. Otherwise, you're rewarding risk aversion and creating unrealistic scenarios, plus with protection and bonuses, new players have less of an incentive to interact with other players to be secure.
Secondly, I don't think this system should be administered by the game engine itself. It should be something you have to interact with others to get. So for example, if I'm a new player and I want protection, I need to find an older player who will be willing to guarantee my independence. In return, the older player will receive the aforementioned -25% resource cut. Whenever at all possible, make these interactions between players, not a player and the game.
Which leads to my final proposition: Treaties and some sort of political leverage or whatnot. Examples:
- Protection treaty. Player A signs a treaty with player B, ensuring player A gets protection from a fleet sent by player B, in return for which player A pays a set fee. To enforce this, at the time of signing, player B must allocate a war fleet to be sent, while player A must allocate cargo ships that will (until the treaty is unilaterally broken) automatically ship resources off to player B.
- Trade agreements. Player A and B sign a treaty stipulating the exchange of certain resources, after which allocated cargo ships automatically exchange them and ship them to the players at the pre-agreed upon ratio. E.g. player A agrees to exchange 2,000 metal every hour for 1,000 crystal with player B, and this is then done by the computer every hour which locks down a cargo ship for this purpose.
- Official war declaration. Haven't though much about the difference between this and random raiding, but it would make wars between alliances more interesting.
- Non Aggression Pact. Signed between alliances, it makes it impossible for either alliance to attack the other, ensuring there are no accidental attacks by members who are not aware of the peace agreement. Of course, this treaty can be broken, but it must be publicly done, at which point every member in both alliances gets a mail saying the treaty is broken.
- Mercenary treaty. Basically, player A pays player B to attack someone. To enforce this, both players must allocate their side of the treaty beforehand. e.g. player A sends resources, while player B sends attack fleet to whoever player A asks to attack. Similar to the protection treaty except it contracts for aggression, not defence.
I don't know what kind of changes have to be made to the game to allow this to happen, but treaties such as these would make the game MUCH more interesting and politically deep.