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Too early to call

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:28 am
But I got this feeling, or maybe its just a coincidence that as soon as I take over raiding, I have a great wonderful raiding system BTW:) I am noticing deletes happening in speed now all of a sudden, with admin account activated to make those changes. Call me crazy but Im very good at proving others wrong. This policy was originally Implemented in xtreme 1st because AZGD whined so much for it:)

Do we really want speed to end up like xtreme? I have already voiced concern before during and after these steps were taken there and what was the result? less raiders= less playerbase. Perhaps soon when it hits speed the raiders of the game will realize Im right. mean time I will raid like hell while entering in new players to my alliance into the game. Soon they can help the burden of raiding with me....and since Pulsar thinks my defenses are too big...obviously in contact with rank 1 to bash defenses for her:) Like I say. a lot of friends.

I think I will have my playerbase raid the game of resources...and defense it nonstop. I prefer a long drawn out war:) Let it die slowly and inflict the most pain that way:twisted: and Im not wrong...DREDD controls most loot in speed, Your living under a rock if you dont think I can do my own damage to the server:)

Im not lying. You can see the current facts yourself of loot raided. week after week. I dont lie.

Emperor Resources
1 DREDD 3,003,541,161
2 Pulsar 1,692,097,518
3 King-Immortal 1,249,663,358
4 Megaman 598,434,823
5 Ursa_Major 584,992,262
6 Thunderheart 550,572,526
7 Rasselassel 369,236,675
8 suresh 215,010,803
9 Sad-Hunter 165,250,777
10 Lalabz_Mae 131,234,839

Back on track, I believe this delete policy was whined for so that raiding was killed to stop players who could catch up to them raiding. Believe me....many policies in this game has changed because of my assaults, and players whining about it to admins. Keep whining...I love the whining. the whining destroys the game protecting the weak from players like me:) IPM rules in game is implemented due to gozar whining about it when I harrassed him as example of a rule change due to me:) theres more. I have plenty of proof admins are against me. Im never banned tho, because I was always within rules playing fairly:) Its when I find a way to defeat my foe...rule changes come.

Im smart, another change to game when everyone thought expeditions were a waste to invest in....I invested and it payed out. Players whined about it being useless, and when they found out it wasnt useless, they whined to make it useless for real! It was a threat to the elite, and they whined

Perhaps that is a good strategy to keep me from rapidly catching up with rank 1? delete farms so I cant? But then realize ***** for you too now...nothing to raid...even tho Im already raiding most everything:)

Each time admins change a policy or rule based on a whiner complaining of me or another strong player playing within game rules, notice how the games population declines. For sure biggest crybaby game Ive played with so many friends planting flowers making their empires cute :lol and to be fair, or the strong players whine for a change to benefit them.....example...having farms deleted to take away possibility of a player catching up and challenging them

The uppercut of this conversation is to admins. For being weak to these ideas and Implementing them. this is what you get when the weak are catered to. Pulsar..speaking about weak...when is your new server coming? Im sure you will have many wonderful friends there too

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:50 am
by MrSinister
I read the first 3 sentences and then i stopped to get my popcorn and root beer . And continued reading the wonderful Alice in Wonderland-ish story. It's like a script for "The Flash" tv show. Popcorn was good, root beer even better.

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:38 am
You my friend, are what we call "khod-kos-pendar" in persian lol
Admins are probably a part of illuminati and Pulsar could be an evil queen who controls them with the voodoo puppets.
I like the idea actually... Specially the pulsar's role :lol:

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 4:57 pm
by 0beron
Inactives get deleted quite frequently in Standard. It's nothing new. If you're still out raiding everyone else on your server why whine about that?

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:23 pm
Standard? get out of here. The best do not play in standard. Nothing matters in standard, no one probably raids anyway with the slooooowwww speed. Elite are in X, most active raiders atm in speed due to speed has some good raiding. rest servers dont...and speed does better...get it? I remember that being a reason pulsar dont play x anymore and now that Im back in speed where in past I originally built an account that would still be top 3 even if I was vmoded whole time and came out. slow growth even in speed.

I bet sinister that the big chunk of player base that raids, cares. Show you dont care and let it happen, and find yourself in speed like rest of servers...raiding killed and lower right?

I mean if your content playing the game not doing anything and thinks its great with a very low base of competition. Get out of here. Standard lol really? its the lowest standard of the game.

Usually sinister, players not that good talk like you do, just insults. where is there proof you can even grow a big account? then not crash a fleet?

Im very proud to make many enemies:) I dont want to be your friend, cuz then your friends with pulsar with everyone else. just a game of friends and low playerbase

I destroyed ZE rankings before on game sites...buckle up for the bitter end..I will kill playerbase, already have...and will more. I actually enjoy watching changes made that kills playerbase just to stop me. Its a true storyline:) Pulsar does tweet with admins and everyone else

If you think raiding has no effect, your very wrong. you cannot compete with my mines by building yours. you wont be able to raid to accelerate growth to even catch up. In end I win making a lot more while you cant scrap resources that fast. I grow mush faster rate keeping the rich rich, and you beat down fighting for meager scraps mostly wasting your life

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:51 pm
by Pulsar
First of all, no one is asking for additional inactive deletions on Speed. I assure you.

I guess you must truly have the "great wonderful raiding system" you claim, considering you've raided 5 billion in as many days. Off of inactives alone. By yourself. I guess if you truly have 18 hours a day everyday to waste on raiding, go ahead. I just hope that's all that's going on.

You're the only player in known history who claims to actually want to kill the game. I'm not sure why or what you get out of it. It's depressing to know that players like you even exist.

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:56 pm
LOL! Players that make the game fun? giving competition? players that dont want to be your friend?

Other successful games I ideas are great...but you change it to new servers, not experiment with a successful server zorg once had to kill it that way. Went from alot of everything in 1 server to mostly a lot of nothing in all servers.

No one is asking for it. Buts its happened many times before, and coming again and again.

1 Player can wipe game so easily raiding. How does zorg expect to have a game supporting 100's to thousands of players when 1 RAIDER can wipe the game?

Nothing personal Pulsar. I just dont like your style of making friends with too many spread out in game. for players who are serious about the give some competition, we are untrustworthy of that style and do not allow that in our ranks.

If my alliance wanted to mount attack and for some reason a member says cant because they are friends, they compromise the alliance to be effective at all. it creates do nothing alliances just friends with everyone in game

Yes pulsar, I have a great raiding system superior to many. I work alot with free time away from family, so you can bet I got the time to raid like hell! I can raid whole game in less than 1/3 time you suggest and then pick over it again

I started posting about raiders a while back. Important issue. Just got players who dont like me bashing. Im proud you dont like me, but one thing in common we have is we need a game that can support more than 1 raider if its to truly be successful. If that can be achieved, I could change my tone and stop building to kill playerbase. Make the game truly good

I will always give only tough love. Pulsar knows I love redheads. Im a real man too...with muscle. Millennials would just call me a privileged white male thats racist. I like long walks on the beach, bubbly baths. Always say yes to a good time.

Bring it.

Congrats on becoming a Mod Pulsar. Just as idea to revitalize the game. You should hold the next players awards. Mods been a problem in past, some just added fuel to driving players off never doing anything positive. Player awards would be positive action from a mod for quite a while. I think cypher did last one years ago....

thats how you improve the game to start

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 11:32 pm
by Ozymandias
Dredd, your posts are too long. The bad punctuation, overlong sentences, I start reading them then lose the will to... live.

If you make your points succinct then players might just actually read your posts in their entirety. At the moment, many do not.

Pulsar and I do not see eye to eye, that's putting it mildly. But for once, I actually agree with her last post entirely.

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:56 am
by MrSinister
You used my name a lot in one of your comments. Are you trying to get a reaction out of me? You keep complaining about the issues here yet you raid like crazy in Speed. Why? You say players get special treatment due to communicating with Admins and such. One has to wonder why you're still playing this game if you're so upset with it . I think you love trolling. Must get you your daily kicks lol. Go on if you need the rush trolling gives you =)

Re: Too early to call

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:36 am
by King-Immortal
Too early to call? This is the exact right time to call it.
It's almost as if zorg admin or whoever the idiot that is in charge of things , does not realise the implications of some of their actions.
The gap between the top and old players and the new upcoming players is so much wide that, logical conclusions will be to not even enter the competition to begin with. One player has more 170million in fleet points, another has 87 mill in fleet points, some 60 some 50 and on and on. Also bearing in mind that, these players, have rips in large numbers, so much so, there is almost no moon they can't pop.
Now, some of us still play. And work hard(raid a lot) to at least have a chance at catching up with them.
To then deliberately be v-moding these accounts that are crucial to our raiding loots is very disheartening. How are we supposed to grow off of the dummy accounts that are randomly generated as farms by the system? How? These dummy accounts are not grown, they have no buildings. They are just generated and allowed to go inactive.
In addition to having fleets so vast, these top players have highly developed mines, that the weekly produce of their mines almost equal an average raiders weekly loot, if not greater. We particularly favour the accounts of bigger players who have gone inactive for whatever reason. Leave those accounts!!! Stop v-moding them. Torgard and Tora's account have been v-moded in speed and who knows next? Quite frankly, if this should continue, I will leave the game permanently because it's going to be pointless. The competition will become substantially imbalanced. Because, how do you expect lower ranking players to have a fighting chance against the top ranking players when the very source of their daily growth is being cut off?
I'll advise you rethink your actions and do that which is wise and not otherwise. There are countless, more reasonable changes the game needs. Players have made numerous suggestions, none has been implemented. It is irrelevant dumb, stupid, inconsiderate decisions y'all go about making all over the damn place.