Increasing PVP

I remember seeing a few discussions in which an increase in PVP was mentioned as something Zorg would want, but I can't remember reading that from Zorg himself. Actually I see some decisions that would suggest the opposite of that.
Lately standard had implemented a new player protection keeping safe anyone below 1 million points. I agree that it will make more players stay after joining the server, but it reduces greatly the amount of targets available.
Since you can't hit small players, any real battles would involve big fleets. And our server have some really good fleets for that. More than once I spotted fleets that I'm able to take down, in theory. Fleets that would put my name among the top ten battles of the server. But I never went for the hit because the Deuterium cost is too high.
For the players not used to our standards, let me paint a picture: the last time I had to let such an opportunity pass, it would cost me over 50 mil deut to launch. My average raid offers me about 100k deut, and to keep my moons safe I must constantly make lgs since there are players with thousands of RIPs around. Between fleetsaves and steady growth I can keep very little deut for later use. That comes from someone who never went out of the top raiders table for the last half year, not someone slacking in the res collection.

The low production of deut in colonies and deletion of inactive players grants us a shortage of this resource and the actual fleet size of the top players make it a once or twice a year possibility of such battle something for the very top raiders only.

So, I'd like to know if zorg really wants the PVP increase and, if so, why don't we have an increase in deut around here.

I'm open to debate and brainstorming to help finding a solution if the powers that be so desire, just call me here or by in game pm.

I'm sorry about my English, it's not my first language.

Re: Increasing PVP

Agreed. To be an effective fleeter in this server, Standard is probably more difficult than other servers. Not because of the amount of deut around, it's probably just as scarce in other servers. The problem is, unless you have unlimited funds and are able to buy rubies to "Imperial Support" up the resources, then you have to go and get it. Fleet speeds in Standard make the process of collecting enough deut a laborious task. Speed, Massacre, you can effectively do multiple raids in the same amount of time to do one raid in Standard. If you do manage to raise enough fuel through raiding to actually launch a worthwhile fleet, then basically, if you need to abort for any reason then it could be another 3 - 6 months before you are able to launch again.

PVP, basically is a thing of the past for Standard.

Re: Increasing PVP

The slow fleet speed and resource regeneration in Standard make it likely that PvP won't be quite as active as in other universes... but I feel like a decrease in the more interesting aspects of PvP (facing opponents that are actually risky, ninjas, creative game play, etc...) is an issue that is occurring in most universes.

I can't speak of Standard in particular, but it seems to me (and feel free to disagree) that a large part of this decrease is due to ever increasing power gaps among players. I've managed to acquire a half-decent fleet in my server of choice (the largest regularly active fleet outside of the top alliance), but it's taken me over a year and yet I am still no competition when it comes to the very top fleeters... I cannot and never will be able to defend against 50k incoming RIPs... significant ninjas, quite frankly, are not something that even enter the picture anymore.

The game becomes a lot less interesting when there is little to no risk involved for the very top fleeters, and I know of more than a few decent players who have left Xtreme out of a sense of futility. Sure, Xtreme is the most "active" universe, but plenty of the actives are small or casual players who can't keep a fleet for very long, and are not very interesting opponents. Despite having fewer "active" players, I think Speed is probably more dynamic when it comes to PvP, but the sort of interesting, creative game play you get when a bunch of active players on opposing teams manage to build up decent fleet and compete with one another is simply not present anywhere like I would like it to be...

C'mon, Zorg, where's that new server?

(Sorry if that was a bit of a tangent...)

Re: Increasing PVP

There is that power gap, yes. But now, and I am glad it is here and did argue for it, the new player protection has been raised to one million points. Therefore, there is a considerable margin for new players to be (relatively) safe. You can now only be attacked by your scoring peers.

But, to get to that one million points, especially if you are not a raider is something that might take several years. Zorg has previously stated that basically, raiding was never seen as the point of the game and would like to encourage more Pvp interaction.

Fair enough. But, unless you are a player that has access to unlimited amounts of rubies (good for Zorg) then PvP is out of the question. As previously stated, the game has evolved. The nature of Standard, slow fleet speeds time limits etc, there is virtually no way that you could really consider more than one launch every 6-8 months!

Even then, you would have to save everything that you raided just to launch. There are other things that need deut to, building, research etc. Scenario:- You launch, someone moves their stuff, waste of a launch, now you have to wait another 8 months to even try again??

It has been stated, discouragement of raiding, encouragement of PvP. Never going to happen. Standard is known for the "Slowness". But what others do not consider is also the fact that mines replenish more slowly to. I have tried other servers. What other players in those servers leave as it's not worth hitting is incredible. Players from Standard who try the others servers can't believe how bountiful ignored worlds are.

Re: Increasing PVP

I have been in all the servers at one or other each are different even tho they are same game and each have different issues each server as highs and lows one thing is same on all servers is the gap between. Top to bottom and the middle to top the gap is getting wider

Re: Increasing PVP

That's very good but we are talking about increasing PvP. I have played other servers. For a week, to see the main differences. In each case I managed to raid hundreds of millions of resources in the FIRST week! You would be very lucky to get anywhere near 50-60 million in Standard. A lot of that is because of the fleet speeds, of course. But also because the production of mines is so much lower. I am not suggesting it should be as high as those other servers, but an increase would allow more of this PvP that we are talking about.