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Do we want Elite Recyclers in standard?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:52 am
by malachi
This is my official, yes I want elite recyclers in standard.

We need to let the developers/Zorg know that We want. (Or don't want elite recyclers)

I personally think that it would make it easier for newer players to collect the debris fields should they get their fleet crashed, it will also help them gather resources from debris fields that the bigger players won't even try to get because they are too far away or allow the newer players to gather the resources after a really good ninja.

It will also allow them to fleet save larger amounts of resources.

One argument has been made that the larger players will have an advantage because they will be able to recycle more faster.

But, the only advantage they will get is to spend less Deut.

The bigger players already have large amount of recyclers and enough deuterium to send them to get the debris fields they want, so this advantage is really moot.

This isn't even a battle vessel so there really isn't an advantage, it would just be nice to have Elite Recycler instead of 100 regular recyclers, it would be nice to have a little more speed, but the current design in speed doesn't show an increase in speed from the regular recycler though.

So what does everyone else think?

Re: Do we want Elite Recyclers in standard?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:44 pm
by malachi

Re: Do we want Elite Recyclers in standard?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:32 am
by Fuches
I would like it a lot. Some people think it would change the whole game system, but I disagree. It would be a nice option for collecting more df at once, easier to manage than the whole fleet of recyclers we need to have right now and might even save some deut.
If you think it would make a newb even smaller than the big guys, remember that LGs and RIPs couldn't stop the last generation of good players. I don't believe that an elite rec would stop the next guys.

Re: Do we want Elite Recyclers in standard?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:02 pm
by Nuada
I, nearly four years ago, noted a contrary viewpoint here: ... 247#p83247

However, malachi has addressed all concerns I had raised. This is not to say that my concerns are necessarily satisfied - but malachi makes a very strong argument, and I'm mulling my reservations over.