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Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:03 pm
by Ozymandias
As a player in an alliance, that said alliance, all members do their fair share. I see other alliances, greater memberships levels, mostly not pulling their weight, either inactives that have never been kicked or v mode members who are in it seems a permanent v mode state, others there for one reason, just so that they won't be attacked by the alliance they are in. It's so comical to see, especially when that alliance has a few average/above average raiders plus one outstanding member who carries the rest along. For whatever reason, that player gets bored, goes on vacation and so on, the rest of the alliance struggles to keep pace with anyone else. It causes great mirth and merryment to see those alliances struggle when that happens. One must ask, what do these alliance leaders think of their own membership? One possible answer could be, "let's just let anyone in, the more numbers we have the better"?? Whether those players are any good or not? The thinking behind that seems a bit deluded, Do greater numbers of members make you better? Or does that one exceptional player? It seems in my opinion, to be a case of the more numbers we have, the better, but, isn't that like Gold Plating a Turd? All shiny on the outside, but underneath, it's still a turd?
Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:40 pm
The more the merrier

Just kidding, you're right OZ.
It's ok to have long vmod players but inactives? Well..
Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 4:05 pm
by Ozymandias
Glad you agree. Glad your back to, how's it going?
Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:37 am
Slow.. busy in rl still but missed you guys so came around to pay a visit , thnx

On a side note we have a rule in speed that we kick members after xx day of not checking in.
If you do that your alliance stay fresh, a fresh alliance is powerful.
And have no doubt if you're a good alliance those you kicked will reapply in case of coming back.
Just my two cents.
Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:39 am
by Thunderheart
If this is an invite to voice an opinion;
- I believe activity is key here
so yes I agree; all members carry their share and are active
about the account size;
- how did that incredible player get to that size?
he just "poof!" magically appeared being incredible?
no, he started off as a newbee and learned form others how to become to the player he is now.
having fresh additions, eager to learn is a necessity to a healthy alliance...
an alliance with only the veteran players is the last stage before retirement and I'm not looking for a retirement home, where folk continuously sigh about days gone by...
my no cents worth

Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:37 am
by Ozymandias
That was not the point I was making. We have new members, but only ones that can show an effort and keep safe. The others, if they never learn are surplus to requirements. That incredible player got to where he is by hard work. Good for him. Others can get there to. But to join an alliance for one reason, just not to be attacked by that alliance, not good.
Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:24 pm
by Ace
I tend to favor alliances that care nothing about point size, and more about socializing. I find that any game gets boring if you go at it alone. Yeah, joining an alliance just to escape being attacked by them is dumb. So dumb, in fact, I'd attack the members anyway, should they leave their ships sitting around.
Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:44 pm
by Thunderheart
mightyoz wrote:That was not the point I was making. We have new members, but only ones that can show an effort and keep safe. The others, if they never learn are surplus to requirements. That incredible player got to where he is by hard work. Good for him. Others can get there to. But to join an alliance for one reason, just not to be attacked by that alliance, not good.
yeah...reading it again...with the additional makes sense!
besides, if you were to join an alliance, because you are being raided constantly...i'd at least try and find the enemy alliance to join :p
Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:34 pm
by Alduin
So you're gonna regret

Re: Individual Players Carrying Alliances
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:50 am
by Weresloth
Ace wrote:I tend to favor alliances that care nothing about point size, and more about socializing. I find that any game gets boring if you go at it alone. Yeah, joining an alliance just to escape being attacked by them is dumb. So dumb, in fact, I'd attack the members anyway, should they leave their ships sitting around.
This guy. I like this guy