yesterday i was talking to friend when he said "we need more active alliances in speed", and i guess he was right...
the point is that noobs do not last long in speed. they really need to learn fleet saving(instead of leaving).
ofc i'd like all the noobs to leave their stuff down so i can have a chance to bite it, but in the long run it cause the server to be less active.
this is caused maybe by a couple of stupid wars in the past or its because its a fast server or idk...
(i know i know "its a war game", but you gotta admit chasing people who know a bit of game is far better than hunting noobs)
i dont say i dont like it in speed but i say it can be even better, with more active alliances.
so here i announce:
if anyone have any idea let us all know.
if anyone wants to start an alliance and needs ANY help just lemme know.
if anyone from another alliance needs help i'll do whatever i can.
those who know me know that i'm too busy and might not be of MUCH help, but its what all i can do and i hope we can have a MORE active universe.
ign Shahzade.
i was wondering...
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi