Why zorg become so boring in time

well a remember old days when extreme and zorg just started until today lots chenged
in extreme where are remember was realy extreme
lots action
now lots mining a guess

sure we get new ships however after 2 years
then with each new server less and less players join existed universe
now extreme is not extreme in other words
tons of players only turtle defenses
or become miners

very low players become fleeters or build fleet

same in other universes
my question why you add so many universes and that only makes worse others universes
because regular player just move on next on and so on .

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Re: Why zorg become so boring in time

I do agree with Pein's statement... but at least each of these servers are different so in some respect it gives players a choice into what servers to join and whatnot...
I think it'd be good to also think this game will only get much more popular in time... Let us veterans think how many players were about in 2009 compared to NOW :shock: ...... with future advertising etc it can only increase playerbase....

Maybe an 'ALL SERVER' Reset? Lets say every 3-5 years? :!: an IDEA THERE.....
" You Build It.... I'll Recycle It...."

Re: Why zorg become so boring in time

one of the main reasons ppl become miners and turtles is because they r afraid that once they build up thier fleet it will get smashed.

and its true cuz it eventually does happen even to the best. and most players dont have the experience to fleetsave well.

and yes of course the opening of new servers does seem to kill the old, but at the same time we r the ones who asked for the new servers.

i actually rly like black1s idea about an all server reset every 3 or 5 years. that would bring in a lot of new players into the old servers because everyone loves a fresh start lol.

Re: Why zorg become so boring in time

And I am thinking in response: It would make Zorg more interesting, but each server's differences (X-Treme is 21, not 11 planets, for example) would either pose a problem or just make it more interesting, and I think we should determine which will happen. Also, then we would need to be provided with a map of all the other universes.
Member of Allied Habitable Space

Re: Why zorg become so boring in time

corbeil wrote:Just thinking out loud here, wouldn't it be cool if there was a way for players to attack through the other servers? As in, someone from Massacre server could send their ships into X-treme server and attack, or even set up shop.

Just saying... :whistle:
Wouldn't the ability to travel, colonize, and fight from server to server eliminate the point of having separate servers?

I agree with Atauzeromind; the difference between servers are just too great.

and not just game mechanic differences, but also player development differences. Top players in X-treme would have a significant power advantage over top players in Massacre, not because they are simply better, but because they've had almost 2 more years to develop.

Re: Why zorg become so boring in time

isn't maintenance/lifespan the missing game mechanic?

if (especially) ships had a limited lifespan without maintenance (a new tech/s?) of say 1-2months then wouldn't that go some way to maintaining a balance between old and new players... (maintenance for mines would result in lowered / suspended production...)
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: Why zorg become so boring in time

well when you go around and bust a planet for 100k deut for the first raid it really gets hard for any beginner to keep a good track going on.

ze has lost the starter population especially the old universes because raiders started raiding without any thought... the term hey that was profit is gotten so cliched over time...

for any player a mining empire for starter is very important... at least mines upto level 25 is crucial to have. a regular daily res pull really keeps the mins safe cause face it your mines will only be most profitable right before u pull the res off them that is hardly 1 hour ... other than that each day they are growing to its full potential... i have always said that 5k-10k LLs is good enough to keep most mines free of raiders... just because i have raided targets with less than that defenses.

now when a player has 25k LLs and a raider sends first wave with 20k BCs to get just a nimble lets say 100k deut and some metal and crystal this becomes a problem. i never raided any target less than 500k deut raid on the first round. as long as the amount is less than 600k deut for mines i let it pass cause i have faith that they might become bigger players and also that it is a waste of my time to go for those targets. cause there is always a bigger fish out there....

anyways those kind of sentiment is running very scarces.

another issue is fleet feeding. when an old player feeds his fleet to another player that just goes to say how amazingly unfair to rest of the fleeters. intentionally lettting go of precious resources its more than milking and leeching. altho the latest rules and regulations says that the amount is stripped down alot.

but still my first understanding was if transferring resource to another player as a gift or donation was limited by the highest metal mine (which actually defines the emperial support) then how does that match up to fleet crashes? i mean with what balance or fairness one can feel happy to recycle a feet of size 10 mil points and say that hey i deserved that... what kind of metal mine level would match up to that?

all that actually let down the server population in my opinion.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.