Re: Retaining new players..

My two kids go on club penguin and few like like that. I pay a 6 monthly free £19.99 all so they can access parts of the world and buy things for they penguin or monster all I saying is they are people out there who do pay for things and don't get much in return I know this game is different but I bought ps one ps two ps three ps four Xbox Xbox one god knows now many laptops PCs over the years but I did and all those games I paid for I still buy the next one because I love games I do buy rubies when I was on zorgs sister game that did reset every 6 month's I brought rubies and if they did a reset or did a new server that reset I would join and buy rubies or introduced a monthly fee I would pay. If u enjoy the game u will pay its the price u pay for the enjoyment

Re: Retaining new players..

in My Opinion There must be Several Leagues According to Points :
For Example :
Newcomers League : Players Between 0 - 200k points
Apprentices League:200k-3m
Rising Stars League : 4m-10m
Professional League :10m-20m
Legends League: +20m
( all points include fleet points)
i think it might be better than existing servers
maybe better to replace servrs with leagues
You Go Faster
You Will Understand Later ; When You Find Yourself Wasted

Re: Retaining new players..

Bash my idea if you will Oz, but you seem to be getting mad that most players are asking for a resettable universe. Who knows. I wont push my ideas any more. You keep asking for ideas and it seems as soon as someone gives one you turn it down. I won't sit here and have my ideas bashed so have fun fighting with others, you win

Re: Retaining new players..

if they are separated by score, then they will need less help to begin with. you could have all the players of the universe or w/e together but they just can't do anything to eachother. then they can't occupy the same places.

there was a resettable universe of sorts - generals.

I brought up the idea of resetting some or all universes before, but that would be hardly be fair to the established players. a totally new universe would be cool, but it would potentially drain activity from the other servers, especially extreme, and would require some way of sustaining itself without farms, I think.
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~

Re: Retaining new players..

While on it, some people believe that starting at the same time with others, will help them beat them.
This is only accurate for the elite players, for players that know the game very well. These players are few. The rest, will simply meet the same fate or probably worse fate than now. The same players that manage to extinguish now, will be the ones that would emmerge on a server start, with very limited changes.

Believe it or not, joining X-TREME now is far easier for a newcomer than joining X-TREME in the day it started. It is far less dangerous and it definitely has a faster pace.

If you joined X-TREME back on day 1, you would have a reigning Mintaka and SquirrelOnCrack hunting your fleets from day 3. Not to mention hundrends of other players armed up to teeth who were ready to punish any mistake.

Things are more civilized in X-TREME nowadays. You get a 100k protection which will save you from most of the universes' most dangerous players. Now, if you cannot defend your fleet after you are out of 100K, what possibly could change this scenario? Universe life? Nah...

Re: Retaining new players..

I don't think it about believing in beating them from my experience of playing in a reset universe the most experience players know want to do what to build, newbies are slower but knowingly there's a end time to start again will have more experience going in the next round, at the moment in all the servers the gap between the bottom and top is massive anyone who does not have much experience that starts now grow to point then hunted down by players with accounts 10,100 times bigger ( I don't blame them for this) they quit and can't start again and learn from that experience with a reset universe they will know they can have another go from fresh, to all of u remember when u started what was the gap between u and the top I bet it wasn't as big as it is now this not me trying to bash anyone or the big account players u got were u r through hard work and skill and a bit of luck. If newbies and middle level players feel or see they can get in top half of the rankings or be closer to top players they will stay and play, one thing u all agree with is we need more players and getting them to stay

Re: Retaining new players..

I think the gap between myself and the top player was just short of 26 million. He has nearly doubled his points, Now I have double his points. It's what you can do when you raid and keep safe. I didn't know how to keep safe, fleet save, launch more than one probe, send my re-cyclers ahead of my attacking fleets, but I learned how to do it. But this does not answer the question of how we retain players.

Boulder wrote....."Bash my idea if you will Oz, but you seem to be getting mad that most players are asking for a resettable universe. Who knows. I wont push my ideas any more. You keep asking for ideas and it seems as soon as someone gives one you turn it down. I won't sit here and have my ideas bashed so have fun fighting with others, you win".

MOST PLAYERS? lol. What? Two or three, maybe even FOUR!!! lol.

Okay, that doesn't really answer my question either, but whilst we have folk contributing with such a chip on their shoulder, perhaps it will take longer to come up with a viable answer. Whilst we have players that make a suggestion, don't get the answer or comment they like, they storm out in a hissy fit! lol. Never mind, perhaps other more serious questions, comments can be made,

Two questions, Gozar's original, how we retain players. Second question, off shoot of the first, in the advent of something like a re-settable server coming to fruition , HOW WOULD IT PAY FOR ITSELF????

The main servers, regular posters aside, how many of the normal, everyday players of Zorg Empire would consider a score reset a good thing? ( I'm not talking about Boulders "MOST " players either) I think those numbers would be very low, considering that the aforementioned players, many of the ruby buyers have invested their monies in to the game and have, thankfully kept the game going. Don't bite the hand that feeds you?

It is wholly unfair for any of the main servers to be reset. You would not retain many players. You would not get so many people taking up the game either. Players themselves are some of the best advertisments for the game. They bring newer players in to the game through word of mouth or social media. "What do you think of this Zorg Empire Game?" "Well, I wouldn't go there, it resets, everything you built up vanishes!" Ya think?

Re: Retaining new players..

And u have done really well for yourself but the gap now is bigger now from u to a newbie players like urself are the best and will always get/go top but what u have failed to see is for you to get there u have raided attacked others to get there and some newbies middle ones yes good players too but now many newbies and middle level have stay on not many I am not saying its ur fault they do quit its their lack of experience but u benefit from (we all do ) but now its got to the point were they don't come because they don't get a chance to learn from their mistakes a resetting universe they can try catch up because gap would be to great or would have long to wait long before having a fresh go and like all the other severs people will buy rubies. Just because you wouldt does not mean others would not for me oz ur only looking at what only want u would do and not looking at others see or would do

Re: Retaining new players..

The reason why the do not come is that? No, it's not. It maybe the reason why some of them don't stay once they have joined? Yes, I agree with that. But I have 90 million points in Standard. Perhaps it would be more in another server or maybe less. But the total amount is irrelevant. I don't know how many points you have in your server Mickylove, but for instance, if you have several million, then to a newb, your score would look like an amount that would be out of reach to them. Or, even if you have 500k points, you would seem like a"Big" player to them. I think we have to look past this points thing.

I left my current alliance a few weeks ago. I joined an alliance create by new players. The majority of them seemed to be friends in real life. A spattering of others they had picked up along the way. I filled their alliance forums with things they should know. What they should do, what's best to build. How they should fleetsave etc. Right down to the fact that they should untick the box in their options, "Include in scoreboard" I was with them for a couple of weeks. I advised them in their overview. I helped them, person to person. Now, how many of them now fleetsave? NONE! How many of them are included in the scoreboard still? ALL OF THEM. What I am saying, unless they are willing to learn, they will not. For the most part, they are now inactive. They seemed to use the overview as a simple chatroom, full of expletives, not much else apart from the"I've been hit" messages. What can you do? Useless.

I am not saying they are all like that, but I would bet that AT LEAST 75% of them are like that. Beyond help.

Their is a misconception that I am against a server, a server that resets. NOT THE CASE. I was trying to ascertain how, HOW it would pay for itself.

MickyLove wrote "Just because you wouldt does not mean others would not for me oz ur only looking at what only want u would do and not looking at others see or would do"

WHAT A LOAD OF TRASH! lol. Again, it seems we are going to go down the route of Boulder and others, yet again.
Me looking at only what I want to see???? lol. I think you need a mirror!!

Now Mickylove, AGAIN, How would a new server pay for itself? A server with a finite life time has been around before, it ceased because of funding. Now, perhaps come up with an idea of how, ONCE AGAIN, it would finance itself?

To say that because I don't buy rubies others will is not an answer!! You don't know that. I would suggest human nature would say that you play a free game, but you would buy rubies knowing full well it is going to cease is a nonsense. Of course, some would. The majority, not so much.