Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

Slash wrote:I'll be blunt- those that typically respond to the top rated HoFs are either alliance mates, victims, or parasites kissing a higher ranked player's ***.
Ummmmm EXCUSE ME??? I know this may look bad coming from one of your alliance members and I may even get kicked from the alliance... or get hit with a warning here in forums about some lame sh*t. quote you on another section of your rant.... I don't give a flying frick.....that was uncalled for, and completely out of line Slash. And I voted yes on the petition... so my question... does that make me one of them???????
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

Not really. Its just that there's a majority of comments from fanboys and wannabees. No need to fly off the handle for an obvious generalization.

EDIT: And I don't kick people from the alliance either on my own authority nor because an alliance mate has an opposing opinion. Would have been nice that you voiced it via pm, but oh well.

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

Slash wrote:Would have been nice that you voiced it via pm, but oh well.
:lol: And ruin my rep as a ummmm Witch? Sorry luv but you know me, if you are gonna post it in public, expect a public response. :p

YAYYYY still a RAWKER...!!!!
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list


I have nothing but the greatest respect for your real life achievements.

However, I respectfully disagree with you about your opinions in regard to your perspective of the Zorg community. When you include people in an unfair generalization about their motives, it should be expected that the stronger willed members of the community will openly disagree with you. I can understand why some people don't like the top hits posted in a public forum. It can be embarrassing. My failed attack on Belligerant is a perfect example.

In the end though, this is a game. There is a reason why I am a fanboy in regard to the exploits of Mintaka, Squirrel on Crack and Sadbutrue. I understand well what they are doing and how they are accomplishing it. I think enough of the community has demonstrated that they are interested as well. There is no reason to pigeonhole the whole community into your own views.

There is an in-group/out-group defense built into the psyche of every human. We are social creatures. That is our way. I just ask that you perhaps try to have a more open mind about differing viewpoints. They are not attacks, only opportunities to learn.


Last edited by Khan on Sun May 31, 2009 11:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

I'm only one vote. I am expressing my opinion. I still see no reason to dedicate more space to a handful of players who already monopolize the Top 10. We'd only be giving you more coverage. NOTHING WOULD BE CHANGED BY HAVING A LIST WITH YOU POSTING 10 MORE HOFS.

I will state again that I will assist in maintaining a Top 10 list but I will do nothing towards a Top 20. Nothing.

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

Guys... it has already been decided that it will not be done... enough of this slapping each other... it's done finaled finished kaput... Let this topic die in here... IMHO this one can be closed.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

I was leaving this open because it seems Khan enjoyed putting his list together, by all means, he can keep an unnoficial one going in here if he likes, maintaining it himself. But as Witchy said, the decision was final.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

I understood the die had already been cast on the future of a top 20 list. My previous post was of a more general nature.

Either way, 11-20 or 11-25 or 11-50 whatever it may be is only a secondary or auxiliary list. The top 10 hits are the ones that are the most important. Still, when I have some time I will throw them into a spreadsheet to keep track of them.

EDIT: and post the updated list. Perhaps the HOF thread would be more suitable though.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh