Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

I think you mean "forum" job. As well as being a moderator, I am also a player, allowed to post and discuss things. If you don't want to have people questioning your post and the way you post them, ie. calling players by a name other than their own, don't do it. Provocation then moaning? Hmm, okay, what ever floats your limited boat, lol.

Back to the topic then. You have played for how long? How many raids/attacks have you made in that time?

If you raid enough and there IS enough to raid out there if you can be bothered to find it, you will gather resources, you will grow. You said I have big mines. Yes, more than a lot of other players in my server. That's because I raided a whole load of stuff, inactives, actives, everything. That enabled me to build bigger mines, more fleet, get more fleet slots, more raiding. It all allows growth. Now, if you can't be bothered to do that, then you won't grow as much. But there is stuff there if you can find it. Try it, you never know, it may just work for you.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

what has happened here is...yes...
you can still find res...
But if you worked hard at it.., optimized your pattern of raids.., and used to raid.....say 10 mil res an hour of play...
and suddenly you have to go try raid at 3 mil an hour... you cant be bothered...
so it takes away the raiding incentive and growth...
slows everything down...
and the guys with big mines..., not raiding couldn't care,,, they are actually in a better position...
cause the guys still building will take much longer to catch up..

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

I have big mines. I still raid. I have seen players come and go, there is a certain alliance in the server I play. Good players, in the past great raiders. Now though they are doing nothing. Other more hungry players are catching them up. They are in danger of becoming extinct. You have to keep that hunger otherwise others WILL overtake you. You can't rely on just mines. It is a good supplement yes, but I raid a lot more than my mines produce. The exponential increase in the costs of mines makes them prohibitive beyond a certain level. Mines will let you bounce along for a while, but they will not keep you in front.