Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Tarian wrote:In my opinion, Zorg Empire is heading, in some aspects, in a good direction; in other aspects, in an awful one. Regarding extreme and Speed server, they were both bolstered by both the new ships and research and ACS attack. I, however, as a patriotic member of Standard, do not give a damn, and I mean it, a damn about what GOOD happens to the other servers. What I do care about is how Zorg and his buddies are completely disregarding Standard. It wasn't a good server to begin with, because the casual player is, with all due respect, not a real player. Then came Speed server and every member of Standard who logs in at least once a freaking month said:

"Hey, a new server! Since I am a mind slave to Zorg Empire, I will quit/rarely visit Standard and play on Speed!"

Many of the more active members of Standard fled to the safety of Speed immediately. And NOW, what is Standard left with?

1) A few loyal members who sit around and build mines.
2) A couple of alliances that actually know what they are doing.
3) A banned rava...

I can guess the laughable look on your virtual faces, but, seriously, WHAT is wrong with this picture?

Hi Tarian,

I like that you defend your Universe, but let me give you some better info on Standard Server and inform you of some issues you miss.

First of all, Standard Universe is the slowest among the 3 universes we have. For this reason, it attracts (on its own) extreme strategists, people with few time and clueless new players. Why it attracts these kind of players ? Well, you might know the reasons better than me so I'll skip.

Secondly, it is not true that we disregard Standard. In contrary, Standard has been our primary focus recently. For example, If you notice, only Standard has Facebook Login (which helps with new players).

Thirdly, regarding activity; When a newcomer clicks on CREATE ACCOUNT, he is presented with EXACT characteristics of each universe. He chooses what he wants. Those who are careless, will just click the first one. Whoever clicks Standard or X-TREME, he clicks them because he likes the characteristics.

Fourthly, Standard is an active universe despite of what you claim. The fact that you do not receive as many attacks as in other universes has mainly to do with fleet speed and the type of players participating in the universe. For your good info, here are official stats as per TODAY (last 24hours):
Standard Universe: 87 New players
Speed Universe: 82 New Players
X-TREME: 37 New Players

Now, we do bring you the players. It is up to you to keep them in the universe you like. It is not our fault if the alliances in X-TREME are doing a better job and manage to keep activity at top notch with half the inflow.

If you click on your alliance, there is a link that is named: Last Joined Zorg Empire. How many times you used this, speaking to new players? Helping them or getting them to your alliance ? How many times you actually used your referral code ? We do spend a lot of time designing this game. We do spend money generated on getting the best machines and bringing people to the game. I personally spend like 14-15 hours a day on the game! I do not expect you to congratulate me or anything, I just want to show you that we do try our best here. Some help from you (or whoever else) would make the universe better.

Regarding Rava, if you did not know already, Rava was banned for abusing a game bug. A game bug that has been discovered after much hard work from the administrators. ANY bug abuse equals PERMANENT ban. Not to mention that Rava was abusing a rather serious bug. Are we to be blamed for enforcing the rules ?

Finally, I may refer to you in first person but it is not a personal issue I have with you. You just provided the questions and fustration and I provided the answers to your questions and my questions to your fustration.