Re: Fleeter, Miner, or Turtle?

Last i looked, this topic wasn't created to discuss what is the best, rather what you prefer and like.

In answer to you guys, if someone trys to farm you, you do what you would in any other situation. Present a counter. People farm for profit, so deny them their profit.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Fleeter, Miner, or Turtle?

well this will sound arrogant to some...the ones that know me will know it isn't meant that way..but

Lets take Trox for example..he advances thru my good grace..i have cleaned him out once so he knows this to be true..there is nothing that can be done,(outside VM),from me attacking all his planets 5 times a day and and turning those res into more structures n fleet for my own empire.I can do this in less than 2 hours as we are neighbors..i don't because he poss's no threat to me OR my alliance mates.The same could be said for IStalris, Slash but as stated before..1 they are my friends and 2 they are forum mods and I CHOOSE to leave them be.And now if i choose to have it called in i have an Alliance mate who can come in and take out moons at a 100% chance of destruction.So even Fleetsaving from moons could be dangerous for loading res up on cargo ships and going that route.
Ignorance is bliss as they say but there is no turtle big enough to stop me from hitting and winning out right..including Anres turtle but i am a hit for profit type of player..and I CAN stop ANY empire from advancing if i so choose.

The beauty of this game is you can play it any style you want and none being wrong..but to sit there and say i can't do something..having not been on this side of the rather obtuse.As far as a fleet getting big enough to farm my fleet..the chances of that getting by not only my Teammates but the dozens of others that feed me tips daily will be tough though not totally impossible..but as i have also stated in the past..ALL online games are time sinks with those that can invest the most time for the longest periods of time will always be at or very near the top.

whether it be the fleeter miner or turtle..choose the way you want to play but don't say something can't be done having never been in a position to see it very well can be done!

Re: Fleeter, Miner, or Turtle?

you can hinder, but you cant stop at your whim. You can set back, but you cant stop progression. You can make others slower than you and you can do it faster, but you cant stop. And to say you dont hit somebody in game because they are mods is funny to me lol.

I do agree with you tho about the time. Anybody that can pay for the game, have thier wife or roomate sit the account while they are gone or other things can definitely benefit at a much higher rate than others.

Gumppy dont get me wrong, IMO you are THE SINGLE MOST THREATENING player to anybody here, closely followed by SBT. I dont really see any of the mods as threats. Good players, but not threats. I have respect for you, but.. who knows what will happen in the future.

Re: Fleeter, Miner, or Turtle?

adressor wrote:And to say you dont hit somebody in game because they are mods is funny to me lol.
He doesn't hit us because we're former alliance mates and friends- a concept I doubt you've never experienced.

And if you don't think any of us are threats, why don't you post your in-game name, coward?

Trolling, 1 warning - Istalris