Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Belligerent, with all due respect, you are being very immature here. I used to think like you, i thought the game was very one-sided. With fleeting being the only viable end-game tactic.

However, after some sense was knocked into me by a certain few people i realised. Turtling isn't obsolete. In fact, it is a good strategy. What me and you were doing Bellig, was no turtling. It was a hybrid build. Our mistake was to build fleet behind our shells with the deluded idea that it would prevent people from being interested in it. That is quite simply, wrong. The only difference was that i managed to escape before i became space dust, and as such, learned a lot about what i was doing wrong.

If you want to play as a turtle, you must BE a turtle, not build a shell then commence building a load of fleet. Simply build your shell and have maybe a small raiding fleet behind it that people won't look twice at. Raid the crap out of people, build mines, keep your shell growing.

Eventually you will be revered for your incredible survivability. Quite simply put, miners and pure turtles will always outgrow fleeters. In truth, fleeting is the only strategy i find to be imbalanced. Fleeters grow fast yes, but as soon as they get crashed that's it, kaput. Turtles and miners will keep on growing past all the fleeters until fleeting is just a redundant strategy.

If more people took to growing with the REAL mining/turtling build, fleeters would be obsolete, they would be devoid of food and simply would not grow.

In conclusion, and in my opinion, turtling and mining are far greater strategies than fleeting. Fleeting is the strategy here that has the worst disadvantage, not the other way around that most people think.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Squirrel wrote:OMG, quit with the water-works.. Really, if you dont FS, dont be surprised when your fleet is destroyed. There are how many advice threads about fleetsaving?

For your benefit:
Squirrel wrote: The problem with some people in this game is that they log off and leave millions of res and a very profitable fleet sitting in a highly populated area with next to no defense and expect to come online to see it still sitting there. This is a war. You wouldnt leave your wallet in plain view in your car on a busy street while you are not around. Why? You know it wont be there when you get back. If you treat your resources and fleet as you do your personal belongings, you will do good in this game.

Some people decide to build a large defense to stop would be attackers. Does a car alarm stop people breaking into a car? No. Build ALL the defense you want but all it needs is a well organized alliance or a big enough player to wipe the defense. Dont leave your fleet or res sitting on your planet. This part is called fleetsaving. Its easy, set your fleet on a mission for the entire time you are offline and be online for its arrival. There are various FS's.

Planet - DF - Harvest mission. Ok for a small fleet but others can see with a Phalanx.

Planet - Planet - Transport mission. Same as above, dont rely on it. Also, if you are carrying res it will be dumped on the planet while you are offline.

Planet - Planet - Deploy mission. Best option for those moonless players. Be online for when deploy lands, should someone try attack, you can recall.

Moon - Moon / Moon - DF - Safest fleetsave by far. Invisible to lanx.

If you FS and res save, you are 99% better off. If people still attack, turn down mine production until they forget about you, cos they will. Build some defense to make sure they cant profit. If all comes to all, move location.
Learn to FS! No matter how big your def, there is someone big enough to take it out.
LoL of cause big big fleeters would go on with they don't want ppl think differant, as it's there game LoL

Squirrel you know game play is not fair and I'm not talking about me LoL as I don't care anymore!!!
I'm talking about smaller players you feed off!!!... As far as I see your only playing your own game and don't really care
about the others....

Bellig... :D
It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Bellig - YOU ARE PLAYING FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!! 5 people cant be ranked Number 1 can they???????

Oh my god lol. I just dont think you listen

Read what Istalris has put!


Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Belligerant wrote:LoL of cause big big fleeters would go on with they don't want ppl think differant, as it's there game LoL

Squirrel you know game play is not fair and I'm not talking about me LoL as I don't care anymore!!!
I'm talking about smaller players you feed off!!!... As far as I see your only playing your own game and don't really care
about the others....

Bellig... :D
Amazing that you see this tripe in a war game. There are no flower pot fighters or care bear cruisers and amazingly not a single give-me-a-hug death star. Planets bristle with defenses called cannons and turrets protected by shields and anti-ballistic missiles and the majority of the ships are created only for destruction.

Your failure to learn to play the game is no reason to whine.

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Istalris wrote:Belligerent, with all due respect, you are being very immature here. I used to think like you, i thought the game was very one-sided. With fleeting being the only viable end-game tactic.

However, after some sense was knocked into me by a certain few people i realised. Turtling isn't obsolete. In fact, it is a good strategy. What me and you were doing Bellig, was no turtling. It was a hybrid build. Our mistake was to build fleet behind our shells with the deluded idea that it would prevent people from being interested in it. That is quite simply, wrong. The only difference was that i managed to escape before i became space dust, and as such, learned a lot about what i was doing wrong.

If you want to play as a turtle, you must BE a turtle, not build a shell then commence building a load of fleet. Simply build your shell and have maybe a small raiding fleet behind it that people won't look twice at. Raid the crap out of people, build mines, keep your shell growing.

Eventually you will be revered for your incredible survivability. Quite simply put, miners and pure turtles will always outgrow fleeters. In truth, fleeting is the only strategy i find to be imbalanced. Fleeters grow fast yes, but as soon as they get crashed that's it, kaput. Turtles and miners will keep on growing past all the fleeters until fleeting is just a redundant strategy.

If more people took to growing with the REAL mining/turtling build, fleeters would be obsolete, they would be devoid of food and simply would not grow.

In conclusion, and in my opinion, turtling and mining are far greater strategies than fleeting. Fleeting is the strategy here that has the worst disadvantage, not the other way around that most people think.

I here you!...

I was doing this before V war..
But you must admit anyone can put a colony planet next to your planet
and you can't do anything about it as they take your def down!!... I say it's a prob in the game
and should be addressed!!!!... as there's no advantage to have def!!!...

It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)