Re: Things To Laugh About

I was negotiating with someone about a NAP agreement violation by a member in my alliance and in a part of his message he said "If I had been going around your authority, I would be attacking you right now" all i got outta that was "attacking you right now, so i sent all my ships and res to one of my safer planets, just to get a message back from him confused as to why i thought he was going to attack me... so i recalled all my fleets in midflight, wasted quite a bit of deut.
Oppose me, you oppose death. Grim Reaper hasn't lost one yet.

Re: Things To Laugh About

I forgot about the inability to send res through the Jump Gate. :oops:

In my excitment of a rich target, ended up stranding my whole fleet on a moon of mine for an hour, hoping no-one would come knocking. :(

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Things To Laugh About

:lol: Keep em coming guys... ya know you don't have to post that it was you, you can always post it in a third person sense. I know there are a lot more little boo boo's being made and yall just aren't posting them. Come on..... laugh it up :lol:
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Things To Laugh About

had a guy NOT probe me, but attack me from a planet that I had destroyed his previous fleet at. he sent his fleet to my planet for recycling and gave me a nice little 7mil DF to clean up. I guess since i missed some of his fleet from another planet he wanted to make sure I did the job right. He never probed me, before, during, pre-hit, or after. But he wasnt that good. I mean after all, he didnt even leave me a moon or nothin :( lol OH, and while he was hitting me, my cargos went to his planet and get his little resource stockpile. I almost felt like it was milking lol.

Re: Things To Laugh About

Spankie wrote:had a guy NOT probe me, but attack me from a planet that I had destroyed his previous fleet at. he sent his fleet to my planet for recycling and gave me a nice little 7mil DF to clean up. I guess since i missed some of his fleet from another planet he wanted to make sure I did the job right. He never probed me, before, during, pre-hit, or after. But he wasnt that good. I mean after all, he didnt even leave me a moon or nothin :( lol OH, and while he was hitting me, my cargos went to his planet and get his little resource stockpile. I almost felt like it was milking lol.
LOL! You gotta introduce me to this friend of yours sometime, sounds like a good guy! :lol:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Things To Laugh About

I sent a no look blitz at a guy and he was savvy enough to avoid it... then he made a thread about it like 2 mins later and there was a huge laugh fest about it. then i proceeded to probe him every hour and then i stopped for 4 hours while i took a nap and sent a no look attack on the same moon and Boom Goes the Dynamite!

Now he has not logged in since the attack... even tho i saw his planets had a few minutes on them when i sent the attack. its likely he will go (i) and i get the last laugh and a sweet *** farm for a while and his closes neighbor went blue because i farmed him and took out all his turrets :D

In this story everyone had their laughs and i got the last one
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: Things To Laugh About

Sadbutrue wrote:I sent a no look blitz at a guy and he was savvy enough to avoid it... then he made a thread about it like 2 mins later and there was a huge laugh fest about it. then i proceeded to probe him every hour and then i stopped for 4 hours while i took a nap and sent a no look attack on the same moon and Boom Goes the Dynamite!

Now he has not logged in since the attack... even tho i saw his planets had a few minutes on them when i sent the attack. its likely he will go (i) and i get the last laugh and a sweet *** farm for a while and his closes neighbor went blue because i farmed him and took out all his turrets :D

In this story everyone had their laughs and i got the last one
:roll: I sure hope he doesen't, he's a good guy no matter what you may think.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...