Re: Overhunting. Overkill.


yeah yeah. i know about that fleet saving and stuff. am just to lazy to do simple things nyahaha. ihavent even attack any inactive for a vrey long time now. :D

besides if i quit. its more on ihate starting over. + i have too many browser game at hand :D

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

Squirrel wrote:Slash, stop crying. Ive seen you raid for next to nothing so get down off that high-horse of yours. And when you say "top players", I know you are suggesting that ~V~ hit for next to no profits. I speak for myself here but I dont attack for anything less than 1M profit and to be honest, if a player leaves 1M res on a planet they deserve to be hit. The only exception is when I attack for deut.

This is a war game people, make yourself unprofitable to the "top players" and you will be safe. Leave your fleet sitting, dont expect it to be there when you log on. Simple as.. We are playing the game as it is meant to be played. I suggest that a more detailed guide be written up for newer players.
Crying? I'm not crying. I'm stating the obvious.

You're correct- you won't (usually) raid for less than 1M profit but you have no reservations telling someone in your alliance to do it for you. Tell me you haven't and I'll call you a liar. It's the reason you've got nearly double the points than anyone else in V. You call the shots no matter how unprofitable for the rest of your herd and they pay for your grand plan. And until recently, you would raid for anything. Look at the areas around any of the top 3 V players. Inactives or empty planet slots.

Me raid for next to nothing? Maybe on your scale of things. But I still only raid for profit and I allow my previous targets time to rebuild, even going as far as to pm them with advice after the attack. I've passed on killing a fleet because I knew that given the time the player would be someone who'd be a challenge. You obliterate anything that sits.

And why would you care about a guide for new players??? You've stated that you "don't have time deal with n00bs". Well over one-third of my posts are support in the Help forum. I think new and lower ranked players need assistance to grow so this game remains competitive. You simply see them as farms. If they aren't in your alliance, destroy them. Totally.

Thanks for validating my topic so handily.

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

I got recently fracked by a member of -V- and he is ranked 40th, i'm around 360. They have no pride, the guys are stupid as frakkin goats.


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Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

Sniper_Echo wrote:I got recently fracked by a member of -V- and he is ranked 40th, i'm around 360. They have no pride, the guys are stupid as frakkin goats.

o.O Don't leave your stuff sitting around.

I don't see why people complain when they get attacked and lose their fleet. Obviously if you lost your ENTIRE FLEET then you made a mistake somewhere down the line. Instead of pointing your finger, why don't you just learn from your mistake and rebuild. If you had a fleet sitting around and it got attacked, that isn't the attacker's fault. Its yours because you LEFT IT THERE.

And before anyone asks, no. I wouldn't be pissed if, for example, Mintaka decided to raid my planet and destroyed my entire fleet. It isn't his fault for attacking, even if his profits were negligible. Its mine for allowing myself to get hit that bad. Ranks shouldn't be a deterrent for any attacks. I wouldn't hesitate for a moment if I saw a few million resources left unguarded on a planet, no matter who it was, why should a high-ranking player do it any different?

And as for preserving the game, I'd rather have a couple dozen players who know what their doing, rather than a few hundred thousand who just go around clicking buttons because they look cute and make funny sounds.

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

Urweirdsaysi has it right.. ;)\

i dont "farm" active players like i know others from other guilds do, i take the fleets if they leave them open to attack and good profits but then i move on looking for better things, i will hit smaller guys if they dont defend and leave stock sitting on they're bases, why not.??

personally i dont care who im attacking if there is profit in it and when im scouting an area i ESP every planet around so there is no biast toward the smaller guys, they just make it easier than most of the bigger guys by leaving fleets and stock on they're bases thats all, where as most of the bigger guys got where they are now by not making themselves an easy target... (seems obvious really) ;)

and im sure there are more than a few guys on this game that might laugh themselves silly after reading a thread from a RAWK member about "overhunting, Overkill" as you've been on the other side of this kind of thing before... lol

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

SirDuction wrote:Urweirdsaysi has it right.. ;)\

i dont "farm" active players like i know others from other guilds do, i take the fleets if they leave them open to attack and good profits but then i move on looking for better things, i will hit smaller guys if they dont defend and leave stock sitting on they're bases, why not.??

personally i dont care who im attacking if there is profit in it and when im scouting an area i ESP every planet around so there is no biast toward the smaller guys, they just make it easier than most of the bigger guys by leaving fleets and stock on they're bases thats all, where as most of the bigger guys got where they are now by not making themselves an easy target... (seems obvious really) ;)

and im sure there are more than a few guys on this game that might laugh themselves silly after reading a thread from a RAWK member about "overhunting, Overkill" as you've been on the other side of this kind of thing before... lol
You're just as bad as everyone else, SD. Sometimes even more so. But if that's your style of play, there's not much anyone can do about it.

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

"some men just love to watch the world burn" yeah I just quoted batmans butler, Alfred. If you think profits should be the only reason to attack someone you are crazy. Some say attacking a sitting fleet is "noobish" I simply take it as a premptive Strike. If I wipe him out now and farm him for awhile, he will not be a problem in the future because I've progressed over head of that person. Also heavily damaging someones defences can be a useful tactic, while they blow money on repair those defences, they spend less on their fleet, and you'll have all the more time to build up your own fleet and go in for a final blow. I've been top 50 on indentical games so I have moderate knowledge of what I am speaking of, but I could list reasons to attack people all day. Anyways, what is wrong with farming noobs, they can abandon their colony and move else where, hell on EDIT I had to make my R.I.P. manufacturing planet in some random system within the 9th or 8th galaxy (or which was farthest out, can't remember) so the R.I.P.s would still be there upon my return.

Oppose me, you oppose death. Grim Reaper hasn't lost one yet.