Re: Trading rubies

Istalris wrote:
Spankie wrote:This is another case of admin and mods NOT being able to sync together with what is wanted in the forums and now,it has bled into the game. So-be-it.
I do not see any complaints in my inbox. Only the odd mod baiting topic here and there.

All I can say to that is HOW DARE YOU!
Istalris wrote:[qoute="istalris"}It was me who put forward the notion of stopping ruby trades. For those of you who don't see the obviousness of why, allow me to elaborate.

Rubies, are not a point generating resource. Metal, Crystal and Deuterium are. Let's take into account what TGE says, someone trades 3 million metal for a ruby. Normally trades like that are done in bulk so lets say 30 million metal for 10 rubies. Player who receives the metal can spend it and gain 6 thousand points from it. Hence, unfair advantage. A person who has a large amount of disposable income may go nuts on rubies and trade them out for massive amounts of raw resources, sky-rocketing his/her points.

If you guys want this changed then let Zorg make the decision, for now, what we've done stands. It is against the rules to trade rubies for resources. If Zorg does allow this then he should probably remove the milking rule too, as it would be meaningless. I understand some peoples annoyance but disputing mod decisions openly like this is most definitely not the way forward.

and to this..what is teh difference.. selling 3mil metal for 1mil deut then using rubies to convert the deut to 4mil. Still an unfair advantage to those thatT cannot afford to buy the rubies. This game is not designed to be fair, its designed with one goal, make money. So the more rubies, the better. If that were not the case,then the merchant trade rates should match the forum trade rates so people dont take advantage, would you not agree?

Re: Trading rubies

here are my twopence- this is a free game - improvements to the game are done only when it makes it worth while for the game developers - the #worth# comes from the donations i.e. more people donate, more attention is given to the game development - donators need reason to donate - trading resources for rubies provides a valid reason.

there is always a demand and supply - it works well for other games of this kind - i see not reason for eliminating this option nor for setting fixed ratios - of course the game developers should provide reasonable mechanics in order to prevent players being scammed for either resources or rubies.

digging one's head into a sand, ignoring the underlying reason for existance of the game and helping this game to stagnate by claiming ones rights to setting the rules thus claiming the certain ownership over the game is in my opinion childlish and not helping the game to advance.

I still would like to see the game developers- admin to claim the ownership and being decisive as to how they wish to proceed to best serve the game's long term future.

Re: Trading rubies

So, Paradox, what your saying is that our protecting the community until a game fix that enables fair trade is unacceptable? This isn't a case of us versus them. Its a case where someone had already been cheated and the game system can't currently track this type of issue.

Re: Trading rubies

no Slash, i am not taking sides and i whole heartedly agree that both parties in the exchange must be protected from scamming - what i am saying is, do limit the game by false pretense of safeguarding the interest of players - game will only advance if gamedevelopers have an incentive to do so, rubies can be part of it - please do not kill that source before it had a chance to develop - you seem to do so on one off case ( as far i could read it from the forums) - the game has many bugs but we still tolerate them and appreciate that nothing can be done perfectly the first time - i merely suggest do not kill the idea of trading rubies for resources based on isolated case of fraud - they may turn out to be beneficial to the game - unless of course everyone agrees that the game is just perfect as it is, for its community obviously - but i doubt that...

Re: Trading rubies

I believe that my initial statement was based on this.

EDIT: The Trade Rules have been updated. Trading rubies for resources is no longer permitted.

no longer permitted does not show the community that there is a "fix" being worked on. If that had been mentioned there may have been a different tone taken,but as it reads it is simply an "i dont like it so im gonna change it" attitude. Normally Zorg puts in the forums about any changes he is going to make at that level adn opens it up for discussion. There was none. So I hope it can surely be seen the cause and effect of VERY poorly communicated intent. Although I sincerely have my doubts that a fix was even being considered, the benefit would go to admin on that.

Re: Trading rubies

If you'd had taken enough time to read the topics in the trade section over the past few days, I allowed rubies to be traded. It wasn't until someone got ripped off that the prohibition went into place.

So, once again, what you're saying is that its wrong for the staff to protect the community? Fine. Create your own game and allow all of the abuse you want.

Re: Trading rubies

Istalris wrote: ...
Rubies, are not a point generating resource. Metal, Crystal and Deuterium are. Let's take into account what TGE says, someone trades 3 million metal for a ruby. Normally trades like that are done in bulk so lets say 30 million metal for 10 rubies. Player who receives the metal can spend it and gain 6 thousand points from it. Hence, unfair advantage. A person who has a large amount of disposable income may go nuts on rubies and trade them out for massive amounts of raw resources, sky-rocketing his/her points.

This falls under the milking rule, intentional transfer of resources from one player to another. It causes unfair growth of the receiving player over others whilst hindering the growth of the one giving up their resources.

Trading resources for rubies is most definitely NOT milking..
one good is exchanged for another good, both players have to agree to it and perform the necessary actions to complete the trade.

And the player giving up resources gets rubies, so he/she can use those rubies to insta-build or get 25% faster ship building, thus also potentially sky-rocketing his/her points, so I see no large hinderance to the player who traded off his resources for rubies.

On the topic of allowing it, ofcourse it should be allowed, I'm guessing it could generate a good portion of income for the admin's, but it needs looking after in terms of using the correct trade rate, checking if the trade was concluded etc.

Maybe the game needs some in-game moderators?

Re: Trading rubies

Slash, there is absolutely no reason for you to get defensive to such a great extent . And you have absolutely no right to tell me to go and create my own game i.e telling me to leave the game ... this is one step too far and i hope admin will not allow such behaviour on mods part, i sincerely hope you reflex on what you have just told me and indirectlly to all those who may share the same opinion ...