Re: Expeditions

You send whichever ships you choose to the last slot in any system. It will pop up as an expedition rather than any of the other options.

It is supposed to be a game of chance but who knows, maybe they will change that.

Try it out with a couple large cargos and just see. It has to stay out in space for at least one hour but can be increased which I think increases your chances of winning resources/ships

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: Expeditions

Zorg wrote:There are currently some ways to get good results. Not many know the ways. We intend to improve this part of the game soon.
Really? It's good to hear that you're still expanding the game here and there; Zorg Empire has well developed research and planetary development trees, but it could use some development in other areas like this one.
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Re: Expeditions

@fusion, Thanks for pointing out that there is a hold time :D I didn't remember that
I have intended to experiment with expeditions at some point (I put it off since i'm lazy/busy irl and expeditions are rarely spoken of as a good thing), but I'll probably get around to that about the same time as they get updated >.>

Re: Expeditions

Is there any benefit to increasing the level of expedition tech?

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu