The return of investment for miners

So I did a simple math today, I am going to build a level 33 crystal mine, that costs 163m/81m crystal roughly.
it will increase production by about 240k crystal per day, you make 2.4m crystal back in 10 days, 24m in 100 days, 72m in 300 days...etc. (data based on Speed server)

it will take more than 2 years to make that investment back.

the next level more than 3 years? then the level after that 5 years?

rarely anyone play that long, at level 36 crystal mine basically you will never make that investment back.
so, is it worth it to build them even?
Last edited by meow2 on Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The return of investment for miners

SPY wrote:level 33 crystal mines gets u around 1.25 mil crystal a day. please have ur math sorted.
please think carefully (or at least read) before you post.

the 161m/83m will only get u about 10k production INCREASE per hour
that's the gain from the investment.

that's why when you calculate ROI, you use the 10k x 24 hours = gain per day,

and FYI
a level 33 crystal mine itself gets u about 2.2 mill crystal a day on SPEED, but that's from all the previous investment PLUS this 161m/83m

Re: The return of investment for miners

hmmm my bad.

but anyways ... the profitability of a mine is a fair question here but for me i always consider the net income out of mines perday.

think of it this way. you have 161m/83m res at hand and ask yourself which is the best investment of that res?
u can get around 5K BS with that res or get a crystal mine.

if u are a raider i will have to guess that to earn 161m/83m res u already have at least 20K BS raid capability that is to say ur fleet has to contain around 20-40 K BS or equivalent ships.

practically speaking u do not need huge fleet for raiding. what good is the extra BS to you if u dont get to use them?

at that point u will think that yes mining is a really good investment cause it confirms garuanteed income and u will never lose it.

now comes the perspective of a fleeter. no matter how big or small fleeter u are 161m/83m will directly get u thinking of how to get ur fleet bigger. after u have reached ur goal you will think back and consider mining an option again.

apart from the above the only thing that i would think is a fail would be building solar plants above 36. that is something u need to calculate and see if building it any above is feasible or not. other than energy production any mines is a good investment.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.