Fake ATT

why do people send fleets to ATT you then call them back. Is there some kind or strategy that actually uses fake attacks useful?
really it just makes me want to wipe out that persons fleet, that way that person wont do it anymore. i guess its more annoying than anything else.

Re: Fake ATT

xar wrote:They could have just been fleet saving :)
highly doubt it he probed all my planets too. but who knows, atleast he is under my radar now. and from what i saw of his planets shouldnt be too much of a hassle. now just to time it right :P

Re: Fake ATT

Some people just get gun-shy if they think the would-be victim is online. I have two moons from people that should have displayed more caution. Ninja happens.
I got the rationale of a New York cop
I got the patience of a chopping block