stats big and small

Ive discoverd that i like stats, so here goes.

my biggest planet is 442 fields(no terra.)

my smallest planet is 143 (inc terraforming)...approx 120 i think.

my coldest planet is -93 to -53

my hottest planet is 57 to 97.... so 1000 SS=29.500 energy

my largest range is 27 to 67 (only 40!)

my biggest moon 37 i may go up to 41,but gets expensive.

do moons have temps?

i got attacked by 33k Bs & 27 rips. way bigger fleets out there lol. does gumpy still have the biggest fleet?

i have the smallest fleet, a big fat 0.. :-)

look forward to some STATs from Mods or Others.

other stats welcome

Re: stats big and small

nathanburt3 wrote:my smallest planet is 143
I wouldn't recommend keeping anything under 300.

My largest planet is 453. Take that.

And the largest range between a planets two temperatures is 40. The only range is 40.
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

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