Re: Silence For Too Long

Maybe zorg is getting old. Half of A~O is on Vmode and some of them permanently,Ive lost many old friends and just a little remain that gives me apetite to play.Im gunna give it upto end of the month and than will probably quit.This game has become too much overpowered ,just look at the gap between the top 100 and see how many of them are active/inactive/vmode.Im starting to beleive in a reset ,although I never liked a reset :S.

Re: Silence For Too Long

I think people are tired of ACS attack not being here and all of the glitches. Now just throw in a leader with enough RIPs to pop any moon, making FSing really hard, and a 9 million point fleet. Yeah, I can see why some people don't like it. I, personally, like the challenge of there being obstacles and a huge leader.

Re: Silence For Too Long

Fleet : 9.975.073 to be exact

but everyone got to choose their style of play..even during my rebuild from the reset Templar asked me why i had so many destroyers..more less being polite in trying to tell me it was pointless..i build for the future not the now..

its funny as i watch so many people build defenses that will never move..circumstances will always present themselves and there was a few i wished i had the chance to get in on..SoC taking out malphage when he didn't have access to game and on MOB when he was building super fleets everyday..

now we can fast forward to the smash em up week i persistance netted me Faraon3..tip got me dacian1...being in right place and having a fleet capable got me Templar,Malphage and Anubis ..
the lion share of Zookon went to some others and 1 being someone coming up on 2 months VM...

bottom line i made my luck because i was not set on trying to prevent the numbers 1's from hitting my planets..i built my way to eventually overtake them..thats the mentality that will get you to the top..maybe aggressive and for sure people will hate you for it..if i wanted friends i'd go to church..the more enemies here the better it is for gameplay ;)

Re: Silence For Too Long

Thatguyeric wrote:I think people are tired of ACS attack not being here and all of the glitches. Now just throw in a leader with enough RIPs to pop any moon, making FSing really hard, and a 9 million point fleet. Yeah, I can see why some people don't like it. I, personally, like the challenge of there being obstacles and a huge leader.
Ya i see why to... but once most of those bugs gets in i think more people will begin to join and stay with the game... giving the people that toughed through the start of ZE an advantage.
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Silence For Too Long

Well gumppy earned all his points so he deserves what he has achieved,(and the other VVV top members too),but if you ask me,some time ago I said that the 10k barrier is too low for players to hide ,people will say if they havnt learn to fleetsave by 10k points than they will get hit when they have 100k points or even 1million but at least it will keep more players in the game.Yes they might leave later but at least the galaxy will be more full .Its like the freakin desert these days.
I realy beleive that 200k would be a nice barrier and everyone will benefit from it..

Re: Silence For Too Long

Rukai wrote:Well gumppy earned all his points so he deserves what he has achieved,(and the other VVV top members too),but if you ask me,some time ago I said that the 10k barrier is too low for players to hide ,people will say if they havnt learn to fleetsave by 10k points than they will get hit when they have 100k points or even 1million but at least it will keep more players in the game.Yes they might leave later but at least the galaxy will be more full .Its like the freakin desert these days.
I realy beleive that 200k would be a nice barrier and everyone will benefit from it..
I think 200k is a little high... maybe 50k...
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Silence For Too Long

I tyhink away to attract more players would be to have a points system. Lets say a tier of some sort, all players within the top 100 can attack each other but no one from there can hit anyone from the second tier or third or etc. etc.. Just make to where if someone is 5x more then you they can't attack you or visa versa. This would allow noobs like me or smaller players to develope, to build our planets and take on the bigger players once we reach that mark. Of course inactives loose this protection so anyone can hit em.

I think this would be ideal and to allow players establish themselves in the game and stay for a longer period of time.