Fuel consumption rate

Battleships and Destroyers the fuel consumption rate is too high,especially destroyers,the fuel rate is so high its not feasable to move them once they are built.they are great for protection but but the fuel usage rate is too high to move them from where they were built unless you want to send like 4 large transports for every destroyer you want to move.the transports would be needed just to carry the fuel needed.I dont think a destroyer can carry enough fuel to go to the next sector over from the one its in

Re: Fuel consumption rate

I have no problem moving my "heavies" from one Galaxy to another. It's just a matter of resource management- I manage to take all the resources I can manage.

The fuel penalty makes sense. They're huge ships with massive firepower. Once you own them you'll understand that the cost of deut is almost insignificant when compared to what they can dish out to both planetary defenses and opposing fleets.

Re: Fuel consumption rate

Destroyers are pretty much dragons. They're made for incinerating things and scaring children. They've got a very special purpose, really, which hasn't been realized by many yet.

Me? I don't have any.

I got the rationale of a New York cop
I got the patience of a chopping block

Re: Fuel consumption rate

Well it say that destoyers are made to battle Deathstars.They cant battle deathstars.I just did the math on it,it would take right at 4000 destroyers (providing thsy struck first) with the same tech levels in weapons,shields and armor as the owner of the DeathStar to take it out.If the deathstar gets to fire first over 2000 of the destroyers would be lost.Deathstars are OVERPOWERED