Is banned. I want it unbanned. I broke no rules. I sold account in speed. Rubies was the transaction to x.....accounts have been bought with cash now and in past by many others. was not a trade. I would have spent the cash to rubies investing back into zorg empire any way you look at it. It was just more convenient...but was not a trade. I sold speed account...and kept the money in zorg empire...zorg has the money! I have not seen anyone banned for selling account till now.
rubies sent to then buy rubies whats the difference? same ending.....Rubies in my account in X
zorg can go through logs and pms..through my knowledge account was purchased "for a friend". In no way did I sell in a way to make it milking. Which means I broke no rules and I was nice enough to invest it back into zorg empire. unban account with compensation for lost resources.
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