Re: xtreme is not dead.

Since the original topic has been moved to the background and players are expressing their thoughts about a certain mod i feel that i might as well participate in this "discussion".
Yes, i have said so a few times in the forums and the mod has insulted me every time. is not suitable as being insulted by him in the forums gives me the right to say in the same forums that he's . I miss Desert Reaper,Weresloth and the other mods from those days. God,i miss them..

Edited..Warning issued once again Mod baiting..

Why oh so many players say the same pointless unnecessary comments..regarding a PLAYER who makes a remark as opposed to a Moderator... they are two separate hats...and why are we not allowed to make a player comment without nasty personal remarks.. when we clear are not being a moderator. We are players first, Moderators 2nd...

Re: xtreme is not dead.

wow o wow how did my post about x being alive and well lead to this hahaha i mean i just shows x is active so i dont mind but really, no really. on a side not since we all are just posting random stuff on here. i need to poop so i think i will go do that (most likely on some valahalla members) mahaha

Re: xtreme is not dead.

MegaMedes wrote:And this is why I shant post here any longer and bite my tongue most of the time.

AllMightyOz-You call yourself a moderator, who disagrees with you or AZGD. I bet you 150 rubies you don't even know how to post a new hit to the top ten. SLASH IS SHAKING HIS HEAD SOMEWHERE.

Gozar--The only reason you have the fleet you have, is because a better player than you allowed it. Witchy has said on many occasions that you should have never received the account you currently have and was vehemently opposed to you receiving it. The other reason you are so big and fat with fleet, is because you stole, lied and crashed numerous alliance mates...Destruction, GenWickedDeez, and the list goes on and on. Now you can just bully people into what you want. Dave and I had many a discussion about the old days when you were just no one with your original account and stated the reason he didn't crash you and went for Pedro instead was for one simple reason. YOU WOULD HAVE CRIED, WHINED, AND POUTED LIKE A LITTLE BABY AND QUIT.
and for the record slash did the same thing you accuse oz for, anytime someone said anything against rawk. just refreshing your mem.
Last edited by Gozar on Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: edited quote

Re: xtreme is not dead.

MegaMedes wrote:And this is why I shant post here any longer and bite my tongue most of the time.

AllMightyOz--You call yourself a moderator, who disagrees with you or AZGD. I bet you 150 rubies you don't even know how to post a new hit to the top ten. SLASH IS SHAKING HIS HEAD SOMEWHERE.

Gozar--The only reason you have the fleet you have, is because a better player than you allowed it. Witchy has said on many occasions that you should have never received the account you currently have and was vehemently opposed to you receiving it. The other reason you are so big and fat with fleet, is because you stole, lied and crashed numerous alliance mates...Destruction, GenWickedDeez, and the list goes on and on. Now you can just bully people into what you want. Dave and I had many a discussion about the old days when you were just no one with your original account and stated the reason he didn't crash you and went for Pedro instead was for one simple reason. YOU WOULD HAVE CRIED, WHINED, AND POUTED LIKE A LITTLE BABY AND QUIT.
Here we go again Glenn more sour grapes from a sad failed EX player... As for Witchy she was not even in the equation at the time... Username: Witchyvvoman Gender: Male Day Joined: September 01 2010 copied form game information public on all is mine taking this account over 5 months after the date shown.
Username: Ahriman Gender: Male Day Joined: March 03 2009

...seeing as I took the account over in 2009...she was not even the time so how on earth could she object to a something that happened before she started... as usual you need to get your facts right... as for the rest of the BULL...not worthy of a reply...said it all before....The biggest pitty is you do not heed your own words:-
MegaMedes wrote:And this is why I shant post here any longer and bite my tongue most of the time.

Re: xtreme is not dead.

AZGD if you want to surrender and dont know how to do it just mail me and i ll try to persuade Thor to except it and thats because i love you so much

Re: xtreme is not dead.

Not late Rob, glad you came. You can verify this information as well.

Mark, you have just lost all credibility, no one can believe anything you say from this point forward:
Username: Witchyvvoman Gender: Male Day Joined: September 01 2010 copied form game information public on all is mine taking this account over 5 months after the date shown.
Username: Ahriman Gender: Male Day Joined: March 03 2009
However, if you check the forum, here is what you find:

Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:19 pm
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How in the world did she join the forums over a year before joining the game?? Not sure where you got the names from, but you took over the Klizac account in early 2010. Almost a year after Candy started playing, your memory is failing you gramps.

Once again, caught red handed lying about something. That is why you will never be a great player and just a big bag of wind whose stomps his feet like a turkey does when he doesn't get his way.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: xtreme is not dead.

Greek wrote:AZGD if you want to surrender and dont know how to do it just mail me and i ll try to persuade Thor to except it and thats because i love you so much
Seeing as you are obviously being a complete ****wit let me point some things out....firstly this is not a war thread ....secondly this is a forum post about Extreme server not being dead......Hope that helps you to stay on topic :D

Re: xtreme is not dead.

MegaMedes wrote:Not late Rob, glad you came. You can verify this information as well.

Mark, you have just lost all credibility, no one can believe anything you say from this point forward:
Username: Witchyvvoman Gender: Male Day Joined: September 01 2010 copied form game information public on all is mine taking this account over 5 months after the date shown.
Username: Ahriman Gender: Male Day Joined: March 03 2009
However, if you check the forum, here is what you find:

Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:19 pm
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Most active topic: Last One to Post Wins
[ 47 Posts / 4.67% of user’s posts ]

How in the world did she join the forums over a year before joining the game?? Not sure where you got the names from, but you took over the Klizac account in early 2010. Almost a year after Candy started playing, your memory is failing you gramps.

Once again, caught red handed lying about something. That is why you will never be a great player and just a big bag of wind whose stomps his feet like a turkey does when he doesn't get his way.

You really make me laugh Glenn you are so keen on trying to catch me out...yet this time you have only proved what a idiot you think everyone is...

Facts.. that are written in black and white for anyone to check...

1st If you have an Xtreme acocunt simple do a search of the player Witchywoman:..for some unknown reason putting in this name does not bring a result.. if however you type the single letter W you will get a list of all player who's name begins with the letter W...about a 1/3rd of the way down the list is Witchywoman click this. then her palyers details show...clcik the heading Personal will clearly find this....Username: Witchyvvoman
Gender: Male
Day Joined: September 01 2010
Birthday: Unknown
Fact 2..all you have shown in your post is the date Witchyvvoman joined the forums...this is not under question... however she could have joined any other Universe at that time or simple just the forum... Yet not as it shows in Xtreme... regardless of these facts she was not in V or Nemesis alliance at the as this was an in house account takeover I fail to see how or why she would be involved at all... more over what the hell does she have to do with a 6 plus year history...she had no baring on the matter then..

Fact 3... all you ever do is jump on here to make stupid dumb comments on a game you no longer have anything to do with, a fact you made clear in the past, a game that you have slated and been very rude over... as you quite frankly were only ever a mediocre player at best... Playing an account that you yourself bought took over from RJ...and that you where crushed by me twice... Gozar VS Perses 35,189,488,850 611,757,264 30,729,810,960 2012-09-13 11:02:15

.the next account you bought being the 2nd biggest fleet in Xtreme from Torgard...and you did what with that me one really good hit you did with Jason's huge fleet...How did Jason loose his huge fleet again...oh yes it was sitting on a moon that was deleted...a 25 million point fleet...just lost at a click of a mouse..

I tried to go back and see exactly when I took over this account from Klizac... it was certainly the end of 2009 beginning of 2010..true..Earliest CR under Gozar I could find was 01/02/2010... I did find 4 pages of combat reports from my original account ending in September 2009.. so somewhere between those two dates... Yet none over it does not really mean anything...So what I took a 4 million point account and turned it into a 200 million point account with my own effort...some of it the same way Grumppy got his fleet with crashes from retiring players alike.. all this comes down to complaints from players that I have crashed...and many of you more than hate me for being better than you were.... so take your sour grapes and shove it where the sun does not shine....Just like your pm to me Glenn, it don't give a rats assssssssssssssss either....what you say or what you think... coming from a player that could not hack it...wait a minute thats something you are good it not... what was it you once called yourself...a "white hat hacker"

I will just end my reply with...

The sun has got his hat on
The sun has got his hat on,
He's coming out today.

Now we'll all be happy,
The sun has got his hat on,
And he's coming out today.

This was posted by the player Gozar...for those of you who can't tell the difference...

One last comment....if your Auntie has testicles she is your UNCLE....