Deleting inactives just makes „ hunting ” harder, Zorg .
Even if the new commers find good targets, they will eventually turn into farms within days, and if they're lucky enough, weeks . How about YOU ( Admins ) start playing the game properly, like we all do, without the privileges you have right now ? You know, like ordinary players ...
But I won't bother telling more, since, like many have said, YOU, Admins, don't really care about our opinions .

Alive, or just breathing ?


If we remove herbivores, predators will die.
Whether in fact the universe will die?
They will delete the old account, because there are new registrations. The problem is that new quit quickly.
Maybe need there is something interesting about average intelligence. If not, reduce new players to play longer.

To stay long enough to build the good mines. LOL


The 0 point accounts that I refer to are the ones that started popping up around the time of the Generals uni (Which also had a bunch of accounts coming in with the same method)

These usually but not always have a '.' in the name and never build anything, the others are just jumbles of letters and/or words.

Prior to Generals there were so few names with a . in them. Now all of a sudden there are a lot of them.

I see your point and if there were other methods of pulling yourself up that were more active (Rather than waiting around for your mines to produce) I would say go for it.

The problem is there are none. You can sit and watch the slow production of your mines (Costs scale up too high in my opinion but that's just mine... at level 30 or 31 it takes 6 months of production just to make back what you put in to half the mine).

When I first started I would have probably quit except for I found a nice inactive cluster with plenty of good mines, the production was more than I could haul in at first and so it gave me something to actively do. Now if expeditions were a viable means to bring something in... great, if there were some "missions" to do where you could be rewarded for something... great.


Zorg Admins are so tired of Standard ZE Players talking about this topic. They suggest we be more selective when it comes to choosing a home zerver so to speak. Even with all that said, the way Standard is currently set up now, newbies must be committed and willing to play through regular attacks and learn quickly.

On Standard, any accounts inactive for 45 days become deleted. I remember an Admin saying that sometimes they wait until accounts go 6 months inactive before deleting. I agree that deleting is necessary but can't how about 12 months instead of 45 days of being inactive.

Some players have even suggested deleting the smaller ranked inactives first instead of days. That sounds like a pretty cool idea. The only draw back to that would be challenging big players for the harvests, but that is not much different then what is going on now, so why not?

Anywho, this is an old topic with lots of opinions. Good discussion.


Prometheus wrote:newbies must be committed and willing to play through regular attacks and learn quickly.
the zorg admins may have noticed an influx of rather determined players from a game called ''moonbase''. in standard they formed some very active alliances... which are now inactive/v-mode. their complaint was that it was too hard for them to catch up as it was, when inactive deletion was new. they attracted the attention of established players and started being wiped out.

it wasn't a matter of perseverance imo. some of these new players almost made it into top raiders after a month or so without support [beyond advice] from any established players afaik. but there were too many things they struggled with. i have more moons in standard than all of them did, combined. this is like 20-30 active players here, working and struggling together. well, they were doing ok with advice, they had things going, and then they started being hunted [since it is the norm to prey on the weaker]. well, to put things simply, they couldn't recover despite their activity and listening skills, and a sea of inactives to raid from.

what zorg wants to do [tell me if i'm wrong] is to take away the inactives, right?

which promotes activity, be forcing them to scroungs for resources on actives, right?

and considering exactly how few small actives there are, they would run out of actives their size or smaller, no?

well, if they can't hit actives their size or less, then aren't they forced to somehow try and fight the ones hunting them? best case scenario this is a 400,000 point account trying to fight an account in the multi-millions, usually much worse.

the bigger player would be a smaller fish in his/her alliance, and is delighted to find a smaller active worth hitting. meanwhile the 400k account is the strongest of the alliance, and can see the hopeless position they are in.

don't nobody get dumb on me and say the 400k account could hit the bigger player on a weakly defended planet. of course. then the bigger player will build up defenses, and start flattening the 400k account and any friends trying to tough it out.

simply put, zorg is wanting new/weaker players to grow by hitting the ones hunting them. ha-ha-ha. very funny, zorg.

a seperate but related issue:.if sombody gets crashed, HOW THE HELL ARE THEY GOING TO GROW, by hitting actives, may i ask?

do consider that, not only will they have much less, or null to use to get past defenses, the player who hit them is stronger, and the gap in strength, widened.

there are generally 2 types of players. hardcore ones, and everyone else. if you remove alternative methods for growth beyond hittting actives, only the hardcore players will ultimately stick around. and of them, really, only the ones that were strong to begin with, will survive, ultimately.

also, i'm curious: back when there were few inactives and tons of actives, when zorg was buzzing with activity. during that time, did EVERYONE grow, or realistically, only a smallish percentage?

with enough weak actives, you have a ton of farms anywy, with little meaningful activity except to be hit. the only difference would be that the active farms KNOW they are being hit lol.
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~


I completely agree with the above - and if a group of experienced gamers can't do it, then how is an inexperienced individual going to? At the very least they would have to be incredibly patient.

Slow down the rate of deletions, Zorg, OR provide some reasonable alternative way for players to grow eg. NPC targets. Mining alone is simply going to lead newbies to getting farmed.

A new server would also help with the above issue, then people don't look at the pts of the number 1 player and think 'I can never reach that'. At least for a while, lol.


I see the poll has been closed. Well... regardless of some players being apparently unable to count, the main point is that all or nearly all voted against deletions to continue at the current rate. A pity that it was closed so soon. But now if Zorg or anyone else say 'This is what the PB want' then we have at least some factual evidence that the playerbase DO NOT want it.


indeed, while the poll wasn't greatly structured, it didn't seem that ANYONE is in favour of the 45 day policy.
while it COULD work, it requires a lot of active players who don't mind being raided, or a very high player signup rate with a good number of those actually growing.


ach wrote:
Prometheus wrote:newbies must be committed and willing to play through regular attacks and learn quickly.
the zorg admins may have noticed an influx of rather determined players from a game called ''moonbase''. in standard they formed some very active alliances... which are now inactive/v-mode. their complaint was that it was too hard for them to catch up as it was, when inactive deletion was new. they attracted the attention of established players and started being wiped out.
I PM-ed Zorg about the opportunity to get and keep several, a Whole bunch of new players that were all coming over here, Players that were committed and Active Gamers to the Game
Addicted Gamers
,but -- alas-- no reply nor any changes to the playing fields

I think the problem here is -----
Zorg doesn't ""Play"" the game,
he doesn't have any real time play / experience in Gaming
and doesn't have any 1st hand knowledge what will make the game exciting,
keep players interested,

The game needs its Miners. that only come one once or twice a day to check their game,
move some res around and up a mine or two,
and "Turtle - Up" under a large shell
these players the game needs to make resource trading partners with,
Players that do nothing but build ships and then sell them to the Fleeters of the Alliance
and to supply needed resources to the fleeters of the Alliance,

--- See Merchant Thread """" hopefully this link will work
Nope ---deleted link---

But its the """"Fleeters"""" that make the universe and Game exciting,
The Game also needs its ""Inactive Farms""" so players can garner / raid the extra res needed to build and power those Fleets
If a Player can only build his fleet from the production of his own mines,
and a few small pickins here and there,
it would take months to be able to launch a Fleet of any size,
and that is boring ---- Why even bother to play the game,

In My "Not - so - Humble"

Standard universe


Very true, its hard enough ad it is... but then I like a challenge: ) as long as I'm still able to raid a bill per week I don't really mind what they delete, provided newbies aren't starved. A lot of them seem to have trouble... and the only ones who survive seem to be those who are supported and encouraged by alliances. So it seems recruiting players for ze is now our responsibility.

Good to see people voicing their opinions, keeps ze interesting