Re: Your opinion is wanted: Veterans universe

I know one year seems great to you all...but what about those who have been here for nearly forever?...I think we deserve a little something. Tell ya what; I'll agree on the year if you give us a hall of fame ;D. Lol.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Your opinion is wanted: Veterans universe

Yeah, have like a server cut-off date for newcomers on a new/vet server & the server continues for either a said amount of time or "Intergalactic Conquest" is done (this can/should be done by guilds). I think guilds would play a HUGE part in the galactic conquest option (most likely the only way to do). This gives vets time to play-out their plans & not have to deal with noobs as well as noobs not having to deal with "super empires/alliances". Or possibly setting a point or a "Destruction" goal for it, like a ranking system for when it ends. ;)

P.S. Oh yeah, in the "Veteran" server you also have to option to destroy planet/moon structures as well as the planet/moons themselves (given enough firepower). Simply give each structure/planet/moon armor points. :D
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