Re: Future Survey questions - X-TREME

I wonder how hard it would be to code in terms of war and let the computer track victory conditions. If it is in the realm of possibility, survey questions might include.

Should war be coded into the game or left alone?
What terms of war would you like to see included?
What 'length of time' options should be available?
Should both sides have to agree to terms for the war to initiate?
Should there be a manditory warning time?

Just some thoughts. If it were official and after any bugs were worked out, you might even be able to add prizes or reperations.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Future Survey questions - X-TREME

if u want a restart join a new server...

you might ask for a new server with the same kind of specs in xtreme as xtreme 2 but dont ask for a restart... none of the servers ever going to get restarted in ze. its as stone written as it comes.

if i dare say so myself to this! period!
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Future Survey questions - X-TREME

How about adding in boosters to the game like...

Morale based on the amount you make some sort of movement. If you are contantly building maybe you get up to a 20% bonus to building and a -5% to defenses (because you are focused on construction not safety).

Marshal Law for those that focus on defenses, giving a boost up to 10% but getting up to a 5% increase in cost to build. Safety first!!!

Einstein's Journals for those dedicated to research. For every 5 Research lab upgrades done you get an additional expidition slot. ( could get rid of expidition research this way) Or... top researcher as a percentage increase gets reduced cost for 1 research of 50%. 10 weekly predators recieve random fleet package, top 3, get a random gold,silver,bronze package. But construction time for all other building/research is frozen for 12 hrs. (its an idea, dont blow up lol)

Re: Future Survey questions - X-TREME

The prizes for placing in the weekly scoreboard will only encouraje defence bashing.

In my opinion prizes should be for , Weekly Researcher , Weekly Raider , Weekly Builder , Weekly Defence Builder , Weekly Recycler ( based on DF collected ) to encouraje to do this stuff and play it with a purpose , embracing all ZE parts ( building , research , raiding / fleeting , defence )
HELLBOY / Cristi

Re: Future Survey questions - X-TREME

Only a very few players can defense bash without risk of ninja. By allowing a prize to won only so often, it alleviates that problem. However if the catagories you mention can be tracked, I have no objections. Keep in mind any competition favors larger players. The top players simply have more res to spend and more ships to put into action. If you do percents, you promote hording and colaboration for certain players to push certain projects.

Any change will promote a certian behavior. We all have gotten where we are by adapting.
Outside the box? What box?