Re: Standard real hot news

It was bound to happen

Daluke just opened the door on Perses and all the standard universe started flirting with the one of good looks...

Some ugly motherf@#$er made a 12 visits to the poor guy, when we meat with this indevidual he had this to say:

"I am getting Daluke good glasses, man"

Well Perses had this say about the situation:
"I am sick of this universe and those rap#$ing bastards"

Perses Has left the standard universe after the bad treatment he received there.

He rented his place to Logged who obviously didn't hear about this....
Logged made the Reaper alliance and got the strongest players in the server in it:
"I am going to dominate this small server in no time :P"

After only 3 days he cleared what he thought was the competition
"from what you can see my alliance made Wow and Gilgamesh go in v-mode :P...that is all what they can do about it to run away in blue from our tactical and strategic moves :P..."

That statement didn't set well with 1 of the ugliest players in Standard....

"The reapers just dug their grave, I am going to F@c% them all, & I will take extra care with that #4@%$ Logged"

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the ugliest battle has arrived:

Sleepy vs Massacre universe
Last edited by Blame on Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Standard real hot news

Big lol :)))=)))) C'mon don't you know what is private messages newb? hmm so i think i need to take care of your mouth and your tiny fleet don;t you think? ...

See ya in the game better fleet save from hour in hour :P...
ING Names : logged

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