Re: Standard real hot news

This just came in:

G8 has seen a lot of action yesterday, for the first time in Zorg history, we had a catfight

"He is my boyfriend you sl@t"
"you can kiss my lovely, shiny @ss, I knew him first b!t$#"
"Why didn't you get him then TR@m#"
"I am a shy girl, not an inviting open legged wh@R@ like yourself"
And it rages on.

The problem started when sleepy :shock: asked a dark lady for a NAP on the system he occupies at G8, he had his sweat heart settle there so she can grow in a peaceful environment , he figured it will be easy life there where he can teach his girlfriend how to raid, fleetsave and jump onto his *******and***********she b*************(thank god for the censorship in this forum)

As soon as the dark lady heard this from sleepy, she attacked his girlfriend, when we asked her why she did that?
"he was the first man to notice my feminine side, and that fluffy $l@t doesn't deserve him"

the fluffy lady had this to say:
"Sleepy took care of me those past weeks and I felt this connection between us....and then came this crazy b!t*h who wants to take him from me, no way sistaaah"

when we asked sleepy what the ladies saw in him to cause all this mayhem, he had this to say:
"I have it all baby, the muscles, the looks, the inelegance and a lot of hair on my scalp, not like that Ancient fellow who has a wig"

when we investigated the playboy profile we found the young boy to be
82 years old
:shock: :o
Last edited by Blame on Wed May 16, 2012 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Standard real hot news

This just came in:

"No speak engRish, prease"

One of the dangerous fleeters out there is zevkli
Nobody exactly know how this brave fleeter became so strong in this game while he doesn't speak any English :?:

But everyone knows what he is saying when he sends his espionage probe at you:
"it is pain time, baby, if you relax it will not hurt so much" :o

But he has met his match when he clashed with the fearsome KoMoDo, the debris of the fight took the whole day to be recycled:
"He is my neighbor, can you believe that, I expected some peaceful coexistence with the guy, but obviously he doesn't know that KoMoDo is the only real dragon species still alive in this world"

A lot of people had doubts of the KoMoDo incident & a lot say that he cant pull a ninja like that because his fleet score is not that high, when confronted with this, KoMoDo had this to say:
"yes I had some help from a certain nice neighbor of mine, who is not like that attacking maniac"
when asked who exactly he directed us to the galaxy map & it was plain obvious who was the good neighbor of KoMoDo:

Kadao :twisted:

We sent our interpreter to zevkli, who faced a lot of hard time figuring what zevkli had to say:
"I F*** KoMoDo .....(and something about biting someone @$$ I think) ......(and here he mentioned Kadao) .....Nice guy I like.....(Are you sure about this translation) take his nice head but into KoMoDo @#$ then %^%$#$# and ^%$## and $#$%%%.......Because they like each others (yeah I think the translation is OK)

Our fine interpreter refused to go to Kadao (also a not so well English talker), even after we promised him double the fee(scr@w you...I quit)

Re: Standard real hot news

The writer of this topic must convince that it was a dream of his to make a small change in the standard universe by inspiring some of the worthy.

This just came in:

DaLuke (139.889 fleet points) Has just been seen zipping his pants while leaving the house Of Perses (15.147.788 fleet points)

Perses looked shocked from this incident and was talking to himself:
What the F@ck is wrong with these guys, in speed and extreme they would never do that, and without even some lube....

DaLuke was smiling when we interviewed him, and he had this to say:
when I read about the poster on their alliance page, I got me a look and I must say the middle lady looked mighty fine, pardner....I reckoned that she must be preses since she started that fine lady gathering, I went there to introduce myself, and one thing led to another ;) ............ :o

DaLuke got in his BC (which had a mirror) and asked us for directions to the planet of gallaorn, he said he wanted to introduce himself to that other fine lady of the vengeance alliance.........Pardner ;)

He failed to hear our shouts that they are both...............MALES
:o :o :o

Re: Standard real hot news

This just came in:

We were very surprised when we saw The BC of the famous DaLuke returns to the planet of Perses

"that sweet Gallaorn was out of her house, vacationing somewhere fancy I reckon"

We asked him why is he back here and this was his answer:

"wanted seconds"

We tried to shed some light on a small matter Daluke has overlooked, but we were struck dumb by his following remark
"4 actually....Pardner ;)"

our jaws were still open when the screaming began at the Perses residence.

Re: Standard real hot news

Shining winds quarters 11:45 Am

Everyone is just waking up & are in a bad mood, wondering who is going to make the coffee
They were very upset when Sleepy prepared for another long speech, here is a stolen recording of that day:

1: "oh man not again" :Doh:
2: " and I didn't get my coffee yet..."
3: "who ate my reese's chocolate chip cookies"
4: "i dropped my cookie in my milk" :cry:

Dear all
1:"pretty formal today isn't he"

"I must confess that I found a lot in this game, but the most important thing I found is Real good friends.....I wish that in my life time I could visit each and every one of you and shake your hand & know you much better."

1: "Yub, here it comes, he is dying of cancer or something....."
2: "shatab and let him finish dammit"

"Today I looked into my heart and found that there is someone new in there........
Sorry "Fluffy lady"
I cant keep this hidden from you anymore......I have a new love....."the pure green eyes lady"....

"a long Whistle from KK....."

KK stop drooling on her photo please

"I wish I could find a way to say I am sorry enough Fluffy lady...but I cant control this heart of mine...(and you let your hair grow....a lot)

I know my team will frown at the thought of loving a woman from an enemy camp but I hope you understand that it is not my choice, who can control his heart"

1: "she just want your rubies dumbass, wake up"

"For that I would like you all to be gentle with my new girlfriend"

3: "what another one, when is he going to stop"

"and not attack her please (you hear me Fluffy lady)

"thank you for your time
Regards and respect to you all"

1: you are killing me with your formality today

1: and thats it, I thought he was going to quit this game or something
2: when that day comes it will not be soon enough
3: wasting our time like this....oooooh… I love greeny...smoochy smoochy
2: what a numb head

"dammit, give me her photo KK.......hey is this drool....very sticky for drool…." :shock:

Re: Standard real hot news


Rayraid is always facing a lot of demands on his limited 24 hours….Family, work, his new found talent "palette" :o
& Zorg off course.

The Family always comes first that’s a rule that Rayraid lives by, when the school vacation came, he took 7 days from his busy schedule to take his family to a nice place.

Rayraid is a strong zorg player & he knows it is crucial to fleetsave in this game.
He decided on making a very long attack with his 208357 ships on an inactive player that has very good mines, he made the attack last for 1 week precisely with the help of his slow 263 RIPs accompanying his fleet.

His wife asked him why doesn’t he take the vacation mode instead, he answered:
"No, No, V-mode is not in my book, I know better, it stops your mines producing, plus I will get that resources from that inactive players….2 birds with 1 stone baby"

It was a week in heaven just seeing the laughter of his children faces and the joy in his loving wife's' eyes.
As soon as Rayraid returned he was anxious to get hold of his fleet and start terrorizing the universe again:
"they already had a breather for a week"
He opened his PC but didn’t find his fleet at his main planet, he refreshed the page of his browser, but didn’t see it:
"I knew there was something wrong before I even switched on the PC"

He opened his massages & there it was, the cursed red massage
"that can't be right"
He send a spy probe to take a look at the planet he attacked & before he received the spy report he got a very strange massage written in an alien language:

"Th4nk y0u f0r visit1ng, n3xt T1me S3nd m0re sh1ps"

Rayraid turned to his team to find advice of what happened but the best advice came from his wife:
"forget about it and rebuild again"

When she said that he turned and looked at her for a long time….

"What?" she said

"I remembered now why I married you"

"And why is that?" asked the wife smiling

"cause you are all I need in this world, baby" said Rayraid while he carried his wife upstairs

Last edited by Blame on Thu May 31, 2012 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.