Re: Making newcomers important ?

here is was a suposed for players ho just start you could create sommething like this
here is link:
a proposed that but very low players checked we could create sommething like that it needs bit tweaking .
what most players wanna is lots action and lots target
but we all forgot real life is most important some players dont have time to be on pc and play zorg all day.
a think is best to keep little guys to reward them by resurses like on others games a played before
here is one sugestion:
players guide we have in zorg add resurses as bonus when the complete each step and if the complete all guide as give them 15 ruby as reward for completing that.

Click on buildings, at the left hand menu, build in this order:
1. Solar Plant (Level 1)
2. Metal Mine (Level 1)
3. Metal Mine (Level 2)
4. Solar Plant (Level 2)

Now click on My Plus! at the left hand menu, and click on Activate of the option: Increase buildings queue by 3 (All planets)

Continue on Buildings:

5. Metal Mine (Level 3)
6. Metal Mine (Level 4)
7. Solar Plant (Level 3)
8. Crystal Mine (Level 1)
9. Metal Mine (Level 5)
10. Solar Plant (Level 4)

Now it is a good time to visit the forums and have a quick look: Click on forums link at the left hand menu.

Continue on Buildings:

11. Crystal Mine (Level 2)
12. Crystal Mine (Level 3)
13. Solar Plant (Level 5)
14. Deuterium Synthesizer (Level 1)
15. Crystal Mine (Level 4)
16. Solar Plant (Level 6)
17. Metal Mine (Level 6)
18. Metal Mine (Level 7)
19. Solar Plant (Level 7)
20. Crystal Mine (Level 5)
21. Deut. Synth. (Level 2)
22. Solar Plant (Level 8 )
23. Deut. Synth. (Level 3)
24. Deut. Synth. (Level 4)
25. Deut. Synth. (Level 5) put it on 80% in the resource screen
26. Robotics Factory (Level 1)
27. Build Research Lab (Level 1)
28. Robotic Factory (Level 2)
29. Research Energy Tech. (Level 1) on the Research Screen
30. Shipyard (Level 1)
31. Solar Plant (Level 9)
32. Research Combustion Engine (Level 1)
33. Crystal Mine (Level 6)
34. Shipyard (Level 2)
35. Deut. Synth. (Level 6) (80%)
36. Research Combustion Engine (Level 2)

Now build a small cargo at the shipyard screen.

While waiting for the above to complete, utilize the time to check FaQ, Technologies page and Forums. Click on galaxy to see planets near you.

more sugestion:
also many players like to go expedition but a dont know why in this first game where ships are destroyed in expedition you could add instead destroyed that it take more longer time to arrive to planet or moon.
also elite rec was told sugested before long time nothing happens a know you say zorg that rapid and everything will mess game.
solution is simple : increase speed of rec by adding new engine tech only for rec not any other ship
curently we can only speed it for 10 sec that is not good
also you could a have 2 more solution for cargo space :
1. is add tech for increasing cargo space by 20 000 per tech you research also we could use graviton 3 for unlock that
2. also you could add new ship yard version where we could build only new better recycler
M: 50.000 C: 10.000 D:5.000
everything same:
Rapid Fire Against Espionage Ship 5
Rapid Fire Against Solar Satellite 5
Rapid Fire From Death Star 250

Structure points 50.000
Shield Strength 100
Attack Points 1
Cargo Capacity 50.000 Units
Base Speed 2.000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium) 700

Best regards: Pein - Leader of Phoenix Legends

Code: Select all

Re: Making newcomers important ?

Zorg wrote:You speak about bonuses, lets make it exact ?
How about using a system similar to the referral program? Referrals essentially link a player to you so that you may earn rubies as that player progresses; in the same way, a "Mentorship Program" that links a new player with an established player. The entire process can be voluntary.

Bonuses are based on a player's progression, using the point values listed in the referral program, plus a few extra levels.

1,000 Points -> 5% cost decrease on ships
10,000 points -> 5% increase in metal production
100,000 Points -> 5% increase in crystal production
250,000 Points - > 5% increase in deut production

These bonuses (or any others suggested or approved) are based on nanite / shipyard levels and mine levels respectively and should not be cumulative with My Plus options. They should also have an expiration, such as a point limit (when the newer player reaches 500k perhaps) or a time limit (7 - 14 days).

Re: Making newcomers important ?

Zorg wrote:I like the idea of offering inceptives to experienced players. This is the fundamental idea too; just read the title as it reads make newcomers important. Important to whom ? To experienced players of course.

I would like to see some more to-the-point ideas. General thinking is good and it helps everyone and perhaps it is time to jump into specific suggestions.

You speak about bonuses, lets make it exact ?

I have to turn down, at this point, any increase in protection. This kind of protection is our kind of "newbie protection" and nothing more and it should remain like it is. The key reasonings have been mentioned many times already.

Challenges as proposed is not going to work in the near future for the following reasons:
A) Needs much developing time
B) It is not sure that it will serve the initial purpose
C) It changes the nature of the game
D) Affects are disproportional to the time needed for development.
- My idea is like apprenticeship, Like for example: Zorg is an experience player. Zorg will take three apprentice and teach them the game. In order for the experience player not wasting his/her time to train the newbies. there will be a milestone achievement for the trainees. Like when the apprentice reach 10K points the trainer will be given a reward.

- About protection its not that hard to evade the big fish when you get out of protection, It was well explained in the players guide. for those people that asking to extend the protection. Maybe they did not read the players guide or misunderstand it somehow.

- I have an example though on protection through range.

Player can attack * 5 of his/her points and /2 of his/her points. that is the range. However due to fleetsave points will goes up and down. to counter it points of fleets will remain constant.

Thats all I can share for now. :lol:

Re: Making newcomers important ?

or we can get sommething like this:

meaning of allaince must not be only war,or having big fleets.
sommething like this:
let say a recuit players whit zero points or 1 its dont matter.

a mean like mision in allaince.
recuitment misons:
1.recuiting 1 player - 10.000 metal
2.recuiting 2 players - 20.000 metal
3. recuiting 3 players - 30.000 metal and 10.000 crystal
4.recuiting 4 players - 50.000 metal and 25.000 crystal
5.recuiting 5 players - 100.000 metal and 50.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium
6.recuiting 6 players - 150.000 metal and 75.000 crystal and 25.000 deuterium
7.recuiting 7 players - 200.000 metal and 100.000 crystal and 50.000 deuterium
8.recuiting 8 players - 350.000 metal and 150.000 crystal and 100.000 deuterium
9.recuiting 9 players - 500.000 metal and 250.000 crystal and 150.000 deuterium
10.recuiting 10 players- 1.000.000 metal and 500.000 crystal and 250.000 deuterium
also recruitment work per day that means in 24 h to recuit 10 player
let say a recuited 9 players before 24 h and next once joined 24 h and 1 min or 24 and 1 sec
it will count as one player recruited.
aslo if you recruit 10 players in one day and you recruit 11 player and you wil not get any bonus if you recruit 10 players you must wait 24 h to past to start recruiting again.

let say how this works :
a recruit one player a will get 10.000 metal but that playe ho joined will get 50% also
so he recuit one player to join allaince and a recuit 2 or 3 players
he will get also 10.000 metal and 50 % from my recuitment too.
now you ask yourself if player exit allince and change name well
solution is simple :
next to refer&Earn to put Earn&Resurses.
when you click it it will show
player name and cordinates
if player chenge name also name in Earn&Resurses. wll chenge and then when he join in a as leader a will not get any resurses and he when recuit any players he will not also get any resurses.

next is about building:
let say about this:
new player spend over 500. 000 resurses in building ,fleet,defense me as leader or team mate in allaince will get
like 100.000 resurses to me becasue a recruited him 50 000 resurses each player in allaince will get.
also this works only every month only once so if a get resurses and everybody else so a will not get any resurses if player again spend over 500.000 resurses.

next is defenses and fleet:

for each 100.000 crystal in defenses that player spend a will get 1000 crystal and everybody in allaince will get 500 crystal
for each 50.000 deuterium spend in fleet a will get 10.000 deuterium my team mates will get 1000 deuterium.

also in option send to email where you click to get resurses
or add 5 field next to ruby resurses
its like bank you can widraw once per day 1 mil in total of any resurses
that means 500.000 metal 250.000 crystal 250.000 deuterium or diferent but limit is 1 mil per 24 h.

also we could add this system for teaching noobs about fleetsave
evoid hits
about war
that way our teaching will not be in vain

Code: Select all

Re: Making newcomers important ?

The creation of Training Camps as below would help in my Opinion.

1. Look for volunteers to act as trainers, they will be in charge , disregarding
if they are already member of an Alliance.

2. Camps create accordingly
a- preferred language and age range
b- Style of play. (Fleeter, Miner, or hybrid)
c- The trainer will be able to attack any of it's trainees disregarding points, that will help
them to get Moons faster in order to be safer.
d- Milking and ACS defend by the trainer will not be permitted, as each player need to learn how to
defend himself from players within his range.

Each new player on register will choose one of the above, he may change his opinion after at least
one month joining the camp for another style.

Re: Making newcomers important ?

really making a much better manual would be a great help. (just speaking from the newcomers stand point) For instance, instead of that long drawn out build structure you have in the manual, witch i disagree with, you could show people how to get to their first small cargo and send the first raid. then point out the technologies tab for getting to the large cargo and off and running.
the manual could do a much better job at letting people know about the 1/3 res rule for cargo's on attack and the 1/2 rule on getting res from the planet.
the manual could do a better job at explaining FS not just say you need to do it. Including the fact that FS from a planet is a bad idea as you get larger and get out of protection. The manual could even list protection limits for new players. Their are a bunch of stuff that the manual lacks. If you cant keep the big fish going after the afternoon snacks, then at least tell the snacks how to avoid being eaten.

P.S. Im making a manual for the new players in our guild. Hope to have it ready for editing soon.

Re: Making newcomers important ?

Volpino wrote:The creation of Training Camps as below would help in my Opinion.

1. Look for volunteers to act as trainers, they will be in charge , disregarding
if they are already member of an Alliance.

2. Camps create accordingly
a- preferred language and age range
b- Style of play. (Fleeter, Miner, or hybrid)
c- The trainer will be able to attack any of it's trainees disregarding points, that will help
them to get Moons faster in order to be safer.
d- Milking and ACS defend by the trainer will not be permitted, as each player need to learn how to
defend himself from players within his range.

I like this idea of 'camps'. Sounds interesting...we could clean it up a bit, but it might be a start to a great idea.
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