Hello again:

For you of those who do not know me, I have played before under the name of raiders. I quit in July 2009 of personal issues. And when you look at my old account you see that "I came back". Well, I am not sure who of you have older brother(s) but it is hectic. One of my brothers created multiple accounts claiming to be me and utterly destroyed my reputation. I am sorry that this happened and just recently learned about it. So this is actually me for real this time and I highly doubt that there will be anymore problems, my brother went to college and has no time to do this anymore. So whether this means anything to you or not, and I deeply apologize for things that happened, I would like to say, hello again.

Just win baby!

Re: Hello again:

Raiders! I miss our long, deep chess games and conversations :).
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________