Re: Hello to all..............

Hey Guys,

I really thought this forum was a bit dead, after 28 views and no response, :roll:
I deleted my message and asked it to be closed.

But, ok I will start again for you guys... :D

Am NEO, not my game name, but have my own reasons for that.
Nationality>>> too many. :think:
Settled on a Island after traveled the world for my job.
Age>>> matured... :lol: :lol:
Interests>>> Strategic MMO games, Nitrous cars, classic cars and fast cars, Stats and facts, history of WWII ;)

Experience, to much to tell here, but am in the game world for 10 years now, and have learned
(the hard way) how not to make the same mistake twice. ;)

Still play a 'similar' game or two somewhere, and have reasonable experience. (5 years)
On different forums I have worked my way up to a nice level, :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Can tell a lot more, but that is only for the ears who can and will listen.
Nice to meet you Guys, and thanks for the reply, have a good hunting ground.

P.S. my favorite drink is................. :think: :D :D
Regards NEO
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
and I'm not sure about the former."