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Re: moon

These two caught my attention:

To prevent any confusion, when he says "given" he means that you can trade moonshots with an ally player/friend. This is often seen as the most reliable way of getting a moon in the place you want. Creating a large Debris Field is the only way of forming a moon.
You can create a moon by bunching a DF and hope no one recycles it as it once it hits a certain amount it auto builds a moon? Also, i saw that it could take mils to create a small percentage of a moon being created...would it be smart to donate such a large fleet to its destruction? Hopefully your friend has a large enough host to defend himself to make the DF^^ or else they can take time and send small attacks, 4 per day^^
You get a moon from a large battle over a planet's surface. The large the debri field, the higher the chance of a moon.
So which way is correct?
The pen, when correctly used can be sharper than the blade.

Re: moon

The creation of a moon occurs the moment the battle is fought. There is no cumulative effect of a debris field that will help create a moon. If a debris field already exists it will still be there after the creation of a moon.

And trading moonshots is a common practice with players ignoring the cost for the benefit a moon can give.

Re: moon

Ah i see, that helped.

Although this section:
If a debris field already exists it will still be there after the creation of a moon.
If a moon is created...meaning the DF will still be there?
The pen, when correctly used can be sharper than the blade.

Re: moon

The box around a DF indicates its size. Starting with yellow indicating a smaller DF, green intermediate, and red the largest.

I'm unsure of the size requirements to form each as it appears to have changed a bit recently.

Re: moon

the df with no border is smallest green is next biggest and yellow is intermediate and red is biggest. you need 100k df to make green and 1mill to make yellow and 10mill to make red
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!