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tech and research

Another question. Suppose you have two labs on two different colonies that you possess. In the first armor tech is level 5 and in the second, armor tech is level 6. Is it then that ships, defenses etc gain armor strength 50%+60%=110% no matter where the ship is built? Or is it that only ships built on that planet/colony will only have that armor strength of the armor tech researched on that planet eg. 50% and not the total for all the research which is 110%?

In addition. research as shield, armor and weapons, do they refer to ships and defenses or ships alone?

Re: tech and research

That scenario is impossible. Techs have an empire-wide scope. That is, if you research armor 5, then all research labs will show armor 5, providing the building level is high enough. Any subsequent research on a different colony will carry over to other colonies, thus all ships produced will have the same armor rating.

Weapon and shield upgrades apply to both defenses and ships, but not armor. Only ships are affected by armor upgrades as defenses have no armor value, only weapon and shield.
Last edited by Choke on Sun May 15, 2011 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.