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Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:35 am
by HxCMystery
Can Someone help me with how you can add friends?

Re: Friends

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:20 pm
by Slash

Re: Friends

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:57 pm
by Da92hippo
Friends can be aquired 3 different ways:

Way 1:
-Go and press the galaxy tab.
-Find a player.
-Follow the collum the player is in towards the right.
-Beside espionage there is a green dot i believe, which you can press to ask for a friend request.
-The other player friend or not may accept.
-You got a friend now^^ Good job

Way 2:
-Go and press the galaxy tab.
-Find a player.
-Attack the player, make him your food. (Avoid bashing by attacking maximum 4 times per 24hour)
-Wait for the plea mail, or if you cant wait send him a message. *This is called playing with your food/ Talking with your food.*
-At somepoint your *Food* will demand peace.
-Make Terms, and conditions of your will.
-Add him to your friends list like in way 1.

Way 3:
-This time your the victem in way 2.
-Beg for forgiveness of your mer existances in the other players world.
-Add him to your friend after a nice chat such as described in way 2.

Thank you for your time, and good luck on aquireing a friend^^

There are more ways but these three prove most effective^^