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Bashing Rule

I know I read one of these allready, and I thought I understood it, but apparently not. So I will ask again.

With regards to the bashing rule:

1) is it PER PLANET, thus I could attack a single player potentially, 105 (21x5) times?

2) Do e-probes count towards this?

3) How 'bout IPMS? Do they count at all? Per Missile? Per volley of missiles?

I got warned by admin last night, but couldn't have violated the bashing rule unless one or all of the above apply and would like clarification

Re: Bashing Rule

4. Bashing
It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon owned by a player over 5 times in a single 24 hours period.

Bashing is only allowed when your Alliance is at war with another Alliance.
The War must be announced on the official Zorg Empire Forums, under Alliances thread.

Note: Attacking fleets that are completely destroyed and Interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule. Moon destruction missions do count towards the bashing rules.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...