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Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:36 pm
by smithbrain
Hello I was reading the reaserch for the gravitation field in there it had this line

"Out of all of the technologies to research, this one carries the most risk of detection during the phase of preparation."

What does it mean by that?

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:40 pm
by Slash
It means that you have to build a lot of solar satellites to get enough energy to create the Gravition. I mean a LOT of solar sats.

Get one enemy probe while you're building and you instantly become a smorgasboard for cheap resources.

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:03 pm
by smithbrain
What do you mean by "Get one enemy probe while you're building and you instantly become a smorgasboard for cheap resources."

Do you mean that all everything I build on the planet will be destroyed?

And how many solar satelittes is exactly a lot. Is 50 enough?

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:09 pm
by gamefreak9
lol like 100,000 sats. and if a planet sends a probe at you during the time you are buildin that many satilites, then they will see an oppurtunity to attack you and try to destroy a huge sum of sats. They will then collect the leftovers and use it for their own benifit.

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:11 pm
by decadence
You need around 9,000 Solar sats for 300k energy. Varies on your planet temperature I think.
People would attack someone with 1,000+ solar sats for the debris. or to prevent you from researching graviton.
A strong fleet can destroy those sats in 1 attack. Even if you have great defenses a large chunk of your solar sats would be destroyed.

Buildings cannot be destroyed. Only ships and solar sats.

Is the solar sat a ship? :)

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:19 pm
by smithbrain
So let me get this right. The only way to build so many satelittes is to pray that no one finds you. Is that it?

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:31 pm
by decadence
Nope. It's just disturbing to continue building sats when you know people are watching you.
When the hand of rawk spots you. Start praying.

The ACS defend was just activated. You can ask help from other people to defend your planet.
You can also boost your defenses to deter some attackers. And recyclers too, just in case.

IMHO if you think you cannot defend 5000 sats I suggest don't build it yet.
Try to start building it when it looks like it is not hard to build.

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:41 pm
by smithbrain
Well how am I meant to know if I can defend 5000 solar sats or not? Anyway do you mean try to build 5000 in the one go?

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:44 pm
by decadence
Depends on how you play.
You would get attacked sooner or later. Just hope it isn't when you are trying to reach graviton.

Building thousands of solar sats piece by piece increases the risk of detection and the chances of being attacked.
If you can build 9000 sats in one go then it would be great.

Re: Don't understand something

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:46 pm
by Istalris
A good tactics is to hide them, for example, build them on a remote planet far away from others. That's what i did. I have had 10,500 sats on a completely undefended planet for the last two weeks. :P
