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Is rapid fire a roll?

just wondering i was playing around with the combat sim and..well let me show you

Attacker Attacker [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %
Type RIP
Number 1
Weapon 164.000
Shield 56.500
Armor 750.000

Defender Defender [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %
Type E. Probe
Number 1
Weapon 0
Shield 0
Armor 85
The attacking fleet fires 124 times for a total of 20.336.000 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 0 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back 1 times for a total of 0 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 0 points of damage.

Attacker Attacker [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %
Type RIP
Number 1
Weapon 194.000
Shield 55.500
Armor 750.000

Defender Defender [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %


Attacker Attacker [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %
Type RIP
Number 1
Weapon 164.000
Shield 44.000
Armor 750.000

Defender Defender [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %
Type E. Probe
Number 1
Weapon 0
Shield 0
Armor 85
The attacking fleet fires 24 times for a total of 3.936.000 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 0 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back 1 times for a total of 0 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 0 points of damage.

Attacker Attacker [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %
Type RIP
Number 1
Weapon 186.000
Shield 48.500
Armor 750.000

Defender Defender [0:0:0]
Weapons: 0 % Shields: 0 % Armor: 0 %

my question is what effects the
The attacking fleet fires 24 times
it seams to change a lot and could effect the outcome of a battle by a lot. is it roll or rapid fire or luck?

Re: Is rapid fire a roll?

Rapid fire is the ability for a ship to fire another time against a ship. Since RIPs have RF over probes, then it does become a dice roll of how many extra times it can fire. I don't know if the equation is the same for Zorg, but because RIPs have 1250 RF over probes then it has a (1250-1)/1250, or 99.92% chance of firing again.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Is rapid fire a roll?

Weresloth wrote:Rapid fire is the ability for a ship to fire another time against a ship. Since RIPs have RF over probes, then it does become a dice roll of how many extra times it can fire. I don't know if the equation is the same for Zorg, but because RIPs have 1250 RF over probes then it has a (1250-1)/1250, or 99.92% chance of firing again.
It does have the same chance, but if it succeeds in RFing, the next try will be less likely. The equation would be (1250-x)/1250, with x being the RF shot number.