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Forum Moderator

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:13 pm
by Slash

I'm your forum moderator. Thought I'd post to point out that I can not resolve game related issues. I do not establish policies nor do I have special access to the game side of this site. I do not have a direct line to Zorg or the Administrators.

I'm a player just like you that does this stuff voluntarily. I don't get paid in Zorg Rubies. I don't get special bonus points. I just get a few more buttons in this forum than you do.

If you violate the rules to the point that you should be banned, I can not and will not ban you. That ability is (unfortunately) out of my control.

I will try to answer your game questions as best as I can and try to provide an enjoyable posting enivornment within the limits of the forum rules.

If you have an issue with the anything on this forum, send me a message and I'll do what I can or get help when I can't.

I hope everyone is enjoying the game and keep on fleet saving!

Re: Forum Moderator

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:15 pm
by Zorg
All cheat cases should be forwarded to
Postin in the forums will not help; Game Operators do not check the forums.