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how do i research graviton?

i've looked around everywhere but i cant find out how to research graviton it says i need 300 energy and i have more then that but i cant research it because my energy will go into minus can anyone tell whats wrong with this....i have everything needed i just dont have the option to research......also i dont have the hyper space engine level required for the death star could that be the reason?
Blowing Away Death stars since 1993

Re: how do i research graviton?

1. Get a planet in slot 1
2. build up robot factory to 12
3. build nanite Factory to 3
4. build Shipyard to 12 or 13
5. use this formula to calculate the # of sats you need: (300,000-Solar Plant and Fusion Reactor output)/((minimum planet temp*.166)+20)
(thanks Witchy spanky and gale)
6. calculate how much rez you will need
7. get it all in place
8 build em all as fast as you can
9. pray

after getting the research (wich is instant) call a friend (or enemy) to do a moonshot with all those sats :D
then take the res and use it for your first rip :D

Re: how do i research graviton?

so i need 300k total energy how many satelites will i need for that? i have sumthing like 9,981 energy is that not anuff?
Blowing Away Death stars since 1993