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ACS defend

been reading alot about the ACS depo, Dose it work ? in some places it sais its, inactive right now ?
United Planetary Alliance WANTS YOU !
UPA is an alliance too defend, conquer, but mostly too have fun :D
Great for new players! a frendly Alliance with Lots of plans, and Ideas,

any way have FUN :D

Re: ACS defend

I dont know about now but a couple of days ago the ACS defend did work. I watched my friend send a fleet to defend someone in our alliance's planet. The ACS defend worked but came with a huge bug. Every few seconds it would transmit a transport message to both of them as if the ships were constantly arriving. After the 4 hour (i think) ACS defend period they both had just over 17 thousand transport messages.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...