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Milking ?

what is milking just giving other people resorses ? just wondering if i have extra resourses can i give them to friends and people in my allinace ?
United Planetary Alliance WANTS YOU !
UPA is an alliance too defend, conquer, but mostly too have fun :D
Great for new players! a frendly Alliance with Lots of plans, and Ideas,

any way have FUN :D

Re: Milking ?

From the Rules:

6. You must not MILK
Milking is a form of cheating. It is the intentional movement of resources between two consenting parties and the intentional protection which results from exploiting the protection rules.

So the answer is currently no. You may not boost a lower ranked player's points.

Re: Milking ?

ok :D thax, i was just wondering didn't really unders stand what was ment by milking
United Planetary Alliance WANTS YOU !
UPA is an alliance too defend, conquer, but mostly too have fun :D
Great for new players! a frendly Alliance with Lots of plans, and Ideas,

any way have FUN :D