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how to utilize a moon efficiently

ok so i already got a moon from sadbuttrue's attack on me which happened like months ago. never really tried to learn much about moons.

ok so i know that i get to know if someone is looking at my empire or if someone is trying to attack any of my colonies. at least i get a news first hand before the attackers fleets reaches my colony.

so other than knowing someone is probing me or about to attack me. what else is a moon good for?

oh an i also could make jumpgates with those moons. so other than those. what else are they good for

thanx for any info you could give me.

i guess i could learn more if i joined an Alliance. but then i wanna remain neutral. /me tells myself "yeah right. neutral on a war game :D"

Re: how to utilize a moon efficiently

Xnoea wrote:ok so i know that i get to know if someone is looking at my empire or if someone is trying to attack any of my colonies. at least i get a news first hand before the attackers fleets reaches my colony.

so other than knowing someone is probing me or about to attack me. what else is a moon good for?
You can still see incoming attacks even if you don't have any moon.
With espionage tech lvl Level 2, the total number of attacking ships will be displayed along with the simple attack warning.
At Level 4, the type of attacking ships along with the number of ships are displayed.
At Level 8, the exact number of each type

Phalanx- Used to observe fleet movements around you.
What can you do when you can see fleet movements?
Steal someone elses debris! :lol:
Seasons end.

Re: how to utilize a moon efficiently

Phalanx/Lanx=Sensor Phalanx

Sensor Phalanx, when used, allows you to scan any planet within range for any fleet movement (If they have ships being sent/arriving on that planet, it will show you fleet size, its missions, and its arrival time). Using this, you can time an attack to arrive on that planet directly after one of their fleets return, and they won't have enough time to dodge the attack.

However, Moons cannot be phalanxed, so you fleet-save from your moon and you're safe from phalanxers.