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Re: Storage

Think of it as the storage capacity is buildings where the mines production is stored and resources that don't come from the mines gets dumped in a field somewhere if the buildings are full. If you think about it the planet is capable of holding unlimited amount of resources because where did those resources come from in the first place?

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Storage

Istalris wrote:Think of it as the storage capacity is buildings where the mines production is stored and resources that don't come from the mines gets dumped in a field somewhere if the buildings are full. If you think about it the planet is capable of holding unlimited amount of resources because where did those resources come from in the first place?

That makes sense when looking at the metal and crystal. Deuterium on the other hand would just kill all the wildlife and/or sea creatures resulting in massive fuel spills to clean up.
