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Re: Combat Fundamentals

Squirrel wrote:What also gets me is that a probe can still get shot down when a defender has no ships or defence! Im sick of having to explain to the pilots family why their daddy didnt come home from work... Brings a tear to my eye...

probes are unmanned. what is worse is explaining to families that a BS was shot down by a shield and that is why 20k lives were lost
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: Combat Fundamentals

All I can tell you for now, are two things:
1.First of all, we are working on this. Whatever more info we can provide to you, we will provide when we can. We are not hiding anything in purpose. We want to speak, only when we are 100% sure about something. So far, we are not 100% sure on what is going on. We will be certain once our combat simulator is done and this is why we give precedence to this. Most probably there are values in the combat engine which are incorrect while there may be a couple of more bugs that only happen under specific circumstances. Everything will be found and fixed and once this is done, you will be the first to learn it.

2.Secondly, even if this matter is crucial, it is still something that all users are equal against. Meaning that you cannot speak of an unfair advantage. It is part of the game and right now it is an extra obstacle for all players. As Zorg said you all boil in the same soup. This is the reason why we have not hasted into a quick solution so far. We want to make solid steps as I already explained above.

Thank you for your time in reading this and for your understanding.